Take payments on your site with PayPal. Collecting payments and donations is easy to set up with PayPal. Just specify a few things like amount and style, then copy the auto-generated code and...
Add Google Maps to your site responsively. Google Maps™ can drive business right to your front door by providing your address, directions and landmarks for your customers to find you....
Web Form Builder is an amazingly powerful, responsive form creator. Create forms for registrations, surveys, purchasing and more. Now that you have created a totally cool form, it is...
The flowing of text around an image is a technique that is frequently part of a designer's arsenal. Although the process of wrapping text has changed over the years, this is easily accomplished...
One of the most important parts of a website is the navigation menu. The navigation menu is like the roadmap the user must follow in order to reach their destination. Make the journey...
Create links to files, documents, external pages, anchors, email address and phone numbers. Responsive Site Designer makes it easy to link to other pages, files, and documents. You can...
Flexbox makes responsive table design a lot easier Tables have always posted a bit of a problem in responsive design. Depending on the table type and use-case, the challenge could be big...or...
From an unreadable newsletter, to a responsive version in just a few hours I got this email from Zappos™ with the intriguing subject “Update regarding Zappos emails…”...
Download Free RED Themes Spark your design creativity using our hand-crafted responsive templates or simply use them to learn a trick or two. They are 100% customizable and can be edited...
Do you want to create your own fully customized reports? With Website Insight you can! Using our Responsive Site Designer (RSD) and Responsive Layout Maker (RLM) , you can customize...
How we solved the IE 11 fixed background bug In our efforts to make the best possible experience with all of our themes, we attempted to fix a reported bug regarding fixed backgrounds in...
Design opportunities with Flexbox are AAAA mazing... You only need a bit of practice to master this skill. That’s why we created a comprehensive guide with syntax explanations and real...
Download Responsive Themes Build cool, device-independent, sites and forms. Visually. These themes will provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience for every viewer...
In this article, we are going to walk you through how to apply a transition and an effect to a Button Link element. This is accomplished by adding some transition and effect properties to the...
In this article, we are going to walk through how to apply a mouseover effect on an background image that will then display text in place of the image. We accomplish this by using multiple...
This article has been updated! Version 5.0 of CoffeeCup Image Mapper will create stunning responsive image maps which means no more having to “hack” the code to produce one! The Wizard will...
CoffeeCup Image Mapper allows you to specify multiple links (or hotspots) to specific locations of an image and point them to a document or website. Create mouseover text, ALT text, links and...
When opening the program, you are presented with the Image Mapper Wizard, which asks whether you would like to start a new image map, or open an existing one. Image Mapper Wizard...
Design pane The design tab holds many of the editing features of the program and can assist in setting up your new image map! These tools allow you to specify different links using the right...
Ready to export your image map? When exporting, you have two choices to select from (responsive and non-responsive). To start the export process go to File > Export Image Map select the type of...
Create Responsive Slideshows and Presentations Direct from the CoffeeCup labs is Responsive Content Slider. This app gives you the ability to combine pictures, text, buttons, icons and...
Designing for all devices Following our previous responsive design adventures you will feel pretty familiar with the tools and workflow in Responsive Site Designer . Here’s a quick...
Adding the design layer with visual CSS3 controls Content creates design atmosphere The site we are constructing is for a good cause, a shelter for cats (and other animals). Sometimes it...
Converting a static site into a responsive design A fluid layout (recap) With a layout created in Responsive Site Designer (or Layout Maker for that matter), we’re off to a...
Practical responsive site design Creating a static reference design There are many, many good existing fixed-width websites. Instead of redoing the entire design and approach, they can be...
Responsive design demystified The intro These days everybody knows about the continued growth in internet consumption — email, apps and web-browsing — from mobile devices. Many...
About creating a web design, that fits all sizes Hold on now, if it fits unlimited device and screen sizes, the web site must be like...infinite? Without predefined size, impossible to...
Your help guide for our #1 responsive apps Welcome to the resource headquarters for the most advanced responsive design apps on the web. This article offers a global overview of the...
With the ever changing world of web design and ever growing mobile market, your form notifications need to be crisp and responsive. By making this change, you are allowing customers to access the...
Responsive Email Designer Theme Pack Looking for inspiration on how to create a responsive email? If so, then we got you covered! Here is a preview of awesome responsive themes included with...