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Chapter 5: Design for mobile email openers

Designing for mobile email readers Responsive Email Design Responsive design is already a requirement for websites. With email open statistics showing mobile open rates of around 50%, a...

Go Pink Save Big Fight Cancer

Hey there, it’s Suzanne from CoffeeCup! You probably know that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. This awful illness has affected countless people, including many dear to us. We...

HTML Editor V14 Go Pink Upgrade Offer

You’re getting this email because you own an older version of the CoffeeCup HTML Editor. The last pink newsletter for breast cancer awareness month: You probably know that CoffeeCup is...

Animation Studio Holiday Offer

Santa didn’t need magic to wave hello... Yup, thanks to the popular Animation Studio Santa has been brought to life. Images like this are attention grabbers. Plus, they’re more...

Responsive Layout Template Pack Preview

Layout Maker Template Pack Looking for inspiration on how to create a responsive layout? If so, then we got you covered! Here we have put together an awesome bundle of responsive layouts that...

Gmail Authentication for RED

Connecting RED to a Gmail account Google recently changed their security measures for certain (not all) Gmail accounts. We are currently working on implementing a different protocol that is...

Email & Newsletter Marketing — An Overview

Email marketing is big — Email sending is very lucrative Consequently, newsletter marketing and email sending services are one of the most thriving industries. In various places on the web...

Chapter 3: Places Settings

An FTP program does not need a lot of settings to get the job done. That is why we have minimized the settings used in Places. There are two sections found under Tools > Settings , Options...

Chapter 4: Advanced Features in Places

Backup and Restore We have included a quick and simple way to backup and restore your Places profiles. To do this click File > Backup and save your backup to a location you will remember....

Chapter 5: Additional Information on Places

System Requirements To use the latest version of CoffeeCup Places, the software must be installed on Windows Vista (yuck!) or Windows 7/8/8.1 with Internet Explorer 9 or higher. If you are...

coffeecup year in review

We’ve had the pleasure of releasing some really rad tools this year. Not only did we launch a cutting-edge program for building flexible site layouts, but we also debuted software to help you...

welcome to red

Welcome to RED We’re proud to present to you Responsive Email Designer. The most versatile and flexible newsletter building program on the web. Buy RED...

Chapter 7: Sending your email

Ready to see your email creation in action? While we’re not in the mass email sending business just yet, you may however connect to your personal or business email to send to individuals,...

Free Responsive Email Templates

The Responsive Email Designer Template Roundup Don't get stuck in a design rut. Download any of these complimentary RED newsletter templates handmade by yours truly for some inspiration....

create better emails go responsive

Responsive Email Designer “ Thanks to CC for making an app that removes the worry of making great emails. ” — Eric E Rohloff This weekend for $44 That's 55% off $99!...

website insight v3 update

Website Insight V3 Create & share custom SEO reports Fantastic news. Ever since the release of Website Insight there’s been one feature request we’ve heard non-stop: the ability to...

website insight v3

Website Insight V3 Get detailed reports on your site’s content structure, meta data, social visibility and more Our wildly popular site analysis app just got a super boost! It’s the app with...

Become a responsive email master

Learn the 6 steps to creating mobile-friendly emails, invoices and newsletters... Did you know that a majority of emails are first opened on a mobile device? Yup, and that means your...

Borders & Border Radius

CSS Controls: Applying Border and Border Radius Borders can be used for many different things and come with several different options. The first thing you need to know about borders is that...

Image Mapper Quick Start Guide

CoffeeCup Image Mapper allows you to specify multiple links (or hotspots) to specific locations of an image and point them to a document or website. Create mouseover text, ALT text, links and...

Chapter 1: Getting Started

When opening the program, you are presented with the Image Mapper Wizard, which asks whether you would like to start a new image map, or open an existing one. Image Mapper Wizard...

Chapter 2: Design and configure your image map

Design pane The design tab holds many of the editing features of the program and can assist in setting up your new image map! These tools allow you to specify different links using the right...

Chapter 3: Exporting your Image Map

Ready to export your image map? When exporting, you have two choices to select from (responsive and non-responsive). To start the export process go to File > Export Image Map select the type of...

Responsive Site Designer Example Sites

It's true that Responsive Site Designer can produce some pretty amazing results. Ever since the app's release we've seen all kinds of awesome websites built by our customers. We've put together a...

Adding and managing images in RED

Working with images and graphics in Responsive Email Designer Before you can export/send your email creation, you must first decide how your email images will be hosted. You see, images are...

From static to responsive

Converting a static site into a responsive design A fluid layout (recap) With a layout created in Responsive Site Designer (or Layout Maker for that matter), we’re off to a...

A single design with great viewing experience on all devices

Designing for all devices Following our previous responsive design adventures you will feel pretty familiar with the tools and workflow in Responsive Site Designer . Here’s a quick...

Exporting and Publishing a Responsive Slider

Now that you have your awesome new slider, it is time to get that added to your website. With Responsive Content Slider, there are three options that you can use to place the slider on your...

Responsive Site Designer Resource Index

Responsive Site Designer Resource Index Looking for specific instructions? Here is a breakdown of the tutorials and helpful articles which will assist you in navigating the features found in...

Adding Hover Transitions and Effects

In this article, we are going to walk you through how to apply a transition and an effect to a Button Link element. This is accomplished by adding some transition and effect properties to the...