Support Articles

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How Do I Add Custom Dictionaries to the HTML Editor?

To import other language dictionaries into the HTML Editor for spell checking needs, first download the .adm file for the language you want to add from the list below. Save it into C:\Program...

How Do I Upload Website Project Files to Specific Folders on my Server?

Ready for some good news? You actually don't need to do anything special to upload your Website Project files to a specific folder on your server. When you upload a file from the My...

How Do I Save My Own Themes in the HTML Editor?

If you would like your own themes to appear in the Theme Chooser, here's what you need to do: Use the HTML Editor to design your own theme. Save your theme in its own...

Customizing Code Completion in the HTML Editor.

Have you ever wanted to update the tags that appear in the Code Completion list in the HTML Editor? It's actually quite easy. For example, let's say you wanted to add a custom...

How Do I Turn On Line Numbers by Default?

To turn line numbers on by default in the HTML Editor, go to the Tools Menu > Preferences > Customization Now click on Modify Options Check the box...

How to Use the CSS Menu Designer

The CSS Menu Designer (now defunct) was included in the HTML Editor in versions 2011 and earlier but has been removed with the release of our new Responsive Menu Builder .   Step...

Previewing Your Work in the HTML Editor.

There are a ton of different options available for previewing your work in the HTML Editor. After all, it's good web design practice to view your website in several different browsers to...

Switching Between Open Files

There are a couple of different options for switching between open files in the HTML Editor. Window Menu The Window menu allows you to see all the files open in the Editor. Click...

What is the Difference Between a Layout and a Theme in the HTML Editor?

A layout includes the HTML for a basic webpage structure and allows you to provide your own content. This gives you more freedom over the appearance of your design. A theme includes three...

How Do I Upload My Website Project Files to Multiple Servers?

You can only assign one server per Website Project. If you want to upload any or all of your Website Project files to a different server than the one specified in this field, you have two...

How to Open CSS Menu Links in a New Window.

Follow these instructions to set your CSS menu links to open in a new window: 1. If you haven't done so already, insert your menu code into your page. (For more information about this...

Using the Auto-Correct Feature

Note : This feature is only available in version 5.2 or lower. Here's a useful feature for those among us whose spelling or typing skills are less than perfect. If you find yourself making...

I Have Uploaded My Website, but I Still Don't See It

Please note that these are all suggestions. If they do not resolve your issue, contact your hosting provider. Because they have all the information about your server and website, they are best...

How Do I Add Custom Dictionaries to Shopping Cart Creator?

To import other language dictionaries into Shopping Cart Creator 3.6 or higher for spell checking needs, first download the .zip file for the language you want to add from the list below. Next,...

How Do I Change My E-mail Address With CoffeeCup?

Log into your account and click the My Account link . You can change your e-mail address under the Profile tab .  If you have forgotten your login information, e-mail...

Configuring a Proxy Server.

If you connect to the Internet using a proxy server, you will need to configure this in Direct FTP before you can connect to your server. To access the proxy server settings, first click Edit...

Why Does My System Not Detect a CD-ROM when One is Inserted?

You need to install ASAPI on your computer. You can find more information here.

What are the Differences Between Shopping Cart Designer and Shopping Cart Designer Pro?

Shopping Cart Designer Pro contains several features that are unavailable in Shopping Cart Designer, including: Access to the area around a page element to create a complex design...

Can I Change the Language of the Theme Text in Shopping Cart Designer?

Shopping Cart Designer is purely a design program, so you cannot edit any text in it, period. However, if you have any images, such as buttons, that contain text in another language that you wish...

How Can I Save My Custom Theme on Other Computers?

To save your custom theme so it appears in the Shopping Cart Creator Theme window on another computer, first make a copy of your theme. To do this, go to the location on your computer where...

What Exactly Can Shopping Cart Designer Do?

Glad you asked! Shopping Cart Designer Pro is used to create a custom theme for a Shopping Cart Creator store. This could mean making a few tweaks to a preexisting design, or using one of the...

Can I Have the Basic and Pro Versions of Shopping Cart Designer Installed at the Same Time?

You sure can! First, install one of the versions of the software normally. Next, run the installer for the other version, and in Step 3, uncheck the box that reads either Do you want to...

How Do I Transfer My Themes to Shopping Cart Creator?

First save your work in Shopping Cart Designer, and then export the theme using one of the following options: Go to File > Export to Shopping Cart Creator Click the...

How Do I Add a Logo to My Shop in Shopping Cart Designer Pro?

To add a logo to your theme using Shopping Cart Designer Pro, select Header Properties , go to the Background tab , and use the options available under the Shop Logo area to select and...

What’s Up with All This “Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet...” Nonsense?

"Lorem Ipsum" is a placeholder text used by publishers to fill the space where regular content will eventually be placed. If you're looking at it and thinking, "This looks...

How Do I Make My Custom Theme Appear in the New Theme Window?

It's really easy: Just go to File > Save as Theme and enter a name for your theme. That's it! Your theme will now appear in the New Theme window .

My Sale/Discount Price Background Image is Cut Off. (Shopping Cart Designer Pro)

To create enough room for your sale/discount price background image, adjust the padding for this element. Here's how: Select Product Properties using one of the following...

What are the “Area Background” Properties, and How Do I Use Them?

You can create a complex design by combining different background properties, which is why we included the "area background" properties (including the central, main content, header,...

Why Can't I See the Folders on My Server?

If you are entering your FTP settings in Website Access Manager and cannot see the folders on your server when you click the Browse button to select your home directory, you'll need to...


1. Click the Audio Converter button to open the Audio Converter tool . 2. Select the input format from the drop-down list provided, and then use the window on the left to browse your...