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What Email Address Does Web Form Builder Use?

In Web Form Builder's Email Notices tab, you can choose to receive a notification message (an email sent to you, the form creator) or an auto-response message (an email sent to the...

Sync up a Site Designer Form with Web Form Builder

With Site Designer it is possible to construct stunning web forms that look good on any size screen or device. Forms crafted in Site Designer are front-end designs. This means you will need...

What are the Limitations of the Trial Version of Shopping Cart Creator?

The trial version of Shopping Cart Creator has the same functionality as the registered version with two exceptions: You cannot remove the "Shopping Cart Software by CoffeeCup Software"...

What are the System Requirements to use RLM

Most people don't want to even worry about server/system requirements, because it can be complicated stuff. There are however a few things you need to be aware of in order to install Responsive...

Chapter 8: Social Visibility Tab

Are you listed on Facebook? Do you have a listing in Google+? There are a number of different social networks that can help you get noticed as well as gaining a reputation with your visitors. This...

Chapter 3: The Elements Tab in RED

The Elements Pane Adding content to the email is easy, grab any of the elements and drop where desired. Or simply click on them and the element will be inserted in the selected column, or...

Chapter 12: Generating an SEO Report in Website Insight

Yep, you asked for it, we listened. Using Website Insight you can now create customized reports based on the scanned data the app finds. Within a matter of minutes, you can export a...

Working with Website Projects

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How to Customize a Manual Captcha Box

You can configure Web Form Builder to use the reCAPTCHA system to validate a user's human-ness by choosing either Automatic (S-Drive Only) or Manual from the Captcha drop-down in the...

HTML Editor: Website Projects setup

Website Projects are one of the most useful components of the HTML Editor, because they keep your entire website organized on and off of the web. It's easy to set up a Website Project and...

Importing Themes to The HTML Editor

Got an HTML Editor theme you'd like to use? Adding it to your theme collection and starting a new project with your brand new professional design is really pretty simple. If you're...

How to Add CoffeeCup to Your Email Whitelist

Being on the CoffeeCup mailing list gives you access to exclusive discounts, news, and contests that aren't advertised on our website. You're basically a VIP, receiving this kind of good...

Creating Animated GIFs from Video

Looking for an easy way to convert AVI to GIF? Creating an animation from a video on your computer is a fun way to share a looping clip of something fun, funny, or useful. They’re...

Preparing a New OS X Web Form Builder Theme

So you've decided to make your own Web Form Builder theme, eh? Excellent! First you need to do a little bit of prep work. This tutorial will show you how to create a new theme so you don't...

Editing a Custom Form Theme for OS X

So you want to create your own theme? Great! All you need to do is create a new theme, edit the default.css file until it's styled the way you like, and put all your referenced images in the...

Editing a Custom Form Theme for Windows

So you want to create your own theme? Great! All you need to do is create a new theme, edit the default.css file until it's styled the way you like, and put all your referenced images in the...

Chapter 7: Responsive Navigation Menus

Responsive Navigation: relative widths and breakpoints Responsive web design is a technique used to build websites and website components (like a web form or navigation menu) that are easily...

Putting it all together

Now that you know how Layout Maker works, let’s put your skills to the test. Here we are going to walk you through a quick process on how to build a layout. This only covers the basics, but...

Chapter 7: Responsive Layout Maker Quick Start Guide

Layout Maker also allows you to include additional pages, giving you the ability to fully mock up an entire website. As you add pages, they will automatically appear in your Navigation element....

Chapter 8: Responsive Layout Maker Quick Start Guide

Now that your layout is ready for the public, you’ll want to explore your options for putting it on the web. You can publish to S-Drive by entering your CoffeeCup account information, export...

Why Nested Tables Are Bad For SEO

Why Nested Tables Are Bad Using nested tables may seem like the easier route to take when designing a website, but they are not recommended for a number of reasons. First, they require a longer...

Improving Load Times

Speeding Up Your Website Slow loading pages not only make it difficult for visitors to access your site, some may simply leave it altogether. Google considers page load speed an important...

Chapter 2: Understanding SEO

Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, comes with many definitions depending on who you ask. In general SEO points to the process of optimizing your web pages so that search engines will...

Chapter 6: Search Visibility Tab

Similar to the Search Visibility tab in the Page section, this area covers your search visibility for your entire site.  Search Visibility Tab Features of the Search...

Chapter 9: Search Friendliness Tab

We’ve compiled a list of the major issues that many sites and you’ll find Search Engine statistics listed here as well. Search Friendliness Tab Features of the...

Chapter 10: Website Health Tab

On this tab, you’ll be able to view information about your website’s health (so to speak). At the top, you’ll see the Server Response Header information. This gives you...

How Domain Age Works

What is Domain Age? The domain age is determined by the date of registration until the current date. If you have a low domain age, all you can do is wait (or invent a time travel device)....

Browser Compatibility

More information on Browser Compatibility  will be posted here.

What are CSS3 Media Queries?

Media queries are a powerful ingredient of Responsive Web Design (RWD) supported by all modern browsers. A media query is a small bit of CSS code that works by asking (querying) the...

Chapter 6: Visually Adjusting CSS properties

Property Panes Menu Builder has been developed to cope with the complexities of the CSS for navigation menu design. In Menu Builder the relevant CSS properties are represented by easy to use,...