Still today, one of the more tricky and confusing things about HTML is linking to other pages and sites, especially when absolute and relative paths come into play. But worry not! Creating links...
Optimizing Images The <alt> attribute has the fundamental purpose of briefly describing the image, so that if the image is not present for any reason, it can be replaced by the...
Using Frames are Bad for SEO Frames are a major issue when it comes to SEO and can not only present problems with the search engines from spidering your site, they can also make it a...
On this tab, you’ll be able to view information about your website’s health (so to speak). At the top, you’ll see the Server Response Header information. This gives you...
Now that you have all this information about your website, we are sure you are asking yourself "What do I do now?". Sifting through pages and pages of SEO books can be extremely...
Yep, you asked for it, we listened. Using Website Insight you can now create customized reports based on the scanned data the app finds. Within a matter of minutes, you can export a...
Settings The Settings button allows you to access a group of settings all in one place for the program. This opens the same window as using the Tools Menu and choosing the selections from...
Included in the latest version of Website Insight, there are three powerful tools; Meta-Data Generator, Image Compressor and File Compressor . Our Meta-Tag Generator helps you add...
As soon as a correct URL has been entered, and the 'Get Insight!' button pressed, WI goes out to collect an enormous amount of data. This data gather is very similar to the spidering...
Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, comes with many definitions depending on who you ask. In general SEO points to the process of optimizing your web pages so that search engines will...
Here you will find an overview of your page components. It provides you with information about their individual file sizes, combined file sizes (total page weight) and download speed. The...
Here is one of the most important overviews of the program. The Insight Tab lists and categorizes all the text and link elements of a web page. You will be given an overview of the words found in...
The Keywords tab shows a list of the words that Website Insight has determined are acceptable and also those not acceptable that are used on your page. You can even find out what links might be...
Similar to the Search Visibility tab in the Page section, this area covers your search visibility for your entire site. Search Visibility Tab Features of the Search...
The Site Keywords tab allows you to compare the keywords of two separate web pages on your site! This will not only help to increase your keyword density it will also allow you to ensure your...
Are you listed on Facebook? Do you have a listing in Google+? There are a number of different social networks that can help you get noticed as well as gaining a reputation with your visitors. This...
We’ve compiled a list of the major issues that many sites and you’ll find Search Engine statistics listed here as well. Search Friendliness Tab Features of the...
As you most probably know, search engines use "crawlers" to check your website for your content. Since your Website will not be listed in the major search engines unless their crawlers...
What is an iOS Home Screen Icon? With the Apple iPhone, adding an icon to the Home Screen allows you to access websites quickly without having to open your browser. Instead of a generic Apple...
There are a number of words that search engines will treat differently when looking over your website and when you perform a search. These so called Stop Words don't provide meaning...
So, what exactly is duplicate content? It's actually a fairly self-explanatory term. Duplicate content is any content duplicated in one or more pages on your website, or several instances of...
Dynamic sites are defined as sites that retrieve data from a "database" and display it in the users browser. Generally, a single CGI ("Common Gateway Interface") page or script...
Do File or Folder names matter? Filenames usually carry very small significance in Search Engines, although every little helps. By choosing the correct filename you can increase your...
Speed is a big ranking factor with the search engines, so you want your website to load as fast as possible. More compact files take less time to load and therefore speed up your website and your...
Whenever you use a search engine, you're asking the search engine to sort through the millions of web sites it has indexed, and try to find those sites that are related to your search words....
What is Domain Age? The domain age is determined by the date of registration until the current date. If you have a low domain age, all you can do is wait (or invent a time travel device)....
If your web hosting provider grants you access to your Statistics, and you can view your HTTP Referrers, this can be very valueble information. You can do a search through these statistics for...
Server response headers are a useful way to check to see if your site is responding correctly to any request for a page on your server. There are nine HTTP status codes that we are mostly...
Although the use of image maps can save time and effort in cases where a single image should link to more than one URL, image maps cannot be read by search engines. This means that any links in...
Do you want to create your own fully customized reports? With Website Insight you can! Using our Responsive Site Designer (RSD) and Responsive Layout Maker (RLM) , you can customize...