I SOOO agree with Per, Jo Ann and SirAGE. A
pick your own package deal of fonts, themes, software and graphics. Even individual graphic images maybe. I rarely use them but once in awhile I might want one or two simple ones. Like getting to pick which graphics from the Easter or Halloween graphics pack I want.
Well, maybe breaking up a graphics pack is not feasible. But it is a thought.
I was on vacation when image mapper went on sale for only $5!! By the time I got back, it was gone. Grrrr

Haven't seen it that low since. (Praying it will come back soon for even one weekned)
I too bought animation studio in hopes that one day I will use it. Also about to do that with image mapper to create a similar idea as used by CC when they have their easter egg hunt.
Something like:
Look for the tiny image mapped links to ???? on my site and you (customer) can win some of my wares! kind of idea to help make my website fun and enticing. I don't know how CC makes those little wookie/ewok eggs that allow visitors to decide if they want to keep the prize or not but I guess my idea of it is simple enough for me to make and end up working...kinda.
Well, back to the topic at hand,
Like others, I have the majority of the CC software now. Need only a few missing pieces to complete the present collection. I ended up buying software as a duplicate when I purchased the Super Pack over a year ago. Now just waiting until the WFB 2.2 with slide show comes out.

Oh happy day!!
So there is my two cents worth
Either way, I still love you guys!
Scents of Magick