The Use Of JavaScript JavaScript is commonly used to enhance web pages and increase functionality. JavaScript can be used to do things such as display the visitors name on a web page, show...
Speeding Up Your Website Slow loading pages not only make it difficult for visitors to access your site, some may simply leave it altogether. Google considers page load speed an important...
Dynamic sites are defined as sites that retrieve data from a "database" and display it in the users browser. Generally, a single CGI ("Common Gateway Interface") page or script...
Optimizing Your Website In the age of broadband internet access, it can be somewhat easy to forget about optimizing for lower bandwidth visitors. Many people these days use DSL or Cable...
What Is Keyword Stuffing? "Keyword stuffing" is the term used to define the practice of inserting blocks of keywords with the sole purpose of increasing search engine rankings....
Yep, you asked for it, we listened. Using Website Insight you can now create customized reports based on the scanned data the app finds. Within a matter of minutes, you can export a...
Optimizing Your Links Just as Inbound links are important, internal linking structure can have a large effect on how your pages will rank in search engines. For optimal performance we...
Use SSL to boost your Google Page Rank Yep, that’s right! Google stated back in 2014 that adding an SSL 2048 bit certificate on your website will provide you a boost in your page rank. By...
Do File or Folder names matter? Filenames usually carry very small significance in Search Engines, although every little helps. By choosing the correct filename you can increase your...
Keyword prominence measures how close the keyword appears of the beginning of the sentence. The closer to the beginning your targeted keyword appears, the higher the prominence will be, with a...
Although the use of image maps can save time and effort in cases where a single image should link to more than one URL, image maps cannot be read by search engines. This means that any links in...