Keyword prominence measures how close the keyword appears of the beginning of the sentence. The closer to the beginning your targeted keyword appears, the higher the prominence will be, with a higher keyword prominence being favorable. For this tag the keyword that appears closer to the beginning of your title is more prominent.

Here is how the prominence is calculated:

  • If a keyword appears at the beginning of an area, its prominence will be 100%.
  • If a keyword appears in the middle of an area, its prominence will be 50%.
  • If the keyword appears at the beginning of the area, then another repetition appears at the end of the area, the prominence would be 50%.
  • If the keyword appears at the end of the area, prominence would be 0%.

Ideally, you should include your most important keyword at the start of the title tag. Example of a title tag: Internet marketing software, learn how to get top search engine results with our software using Internet marketing techniques. Notice how the keywords at the end of the sentence are mixed up, which shows how important that keyword is.