
How to Insert a Link.

Follow these steps to add a link to your page: Step 1 Open the Insert Link window using one of these options: Go to Insert > Link Right-click the page...

How to Add Comments to Your HTML.

A comment is text that doesn't show up on the page, but does show up in the code. Web designers often use comments in their code for reference purposes. To add comments to a page in...

How To Create Lists.

Lists are a great way to present your information in an organized, eye-catching way. Sure, you could use plain text to get your point across, but lists are much easier and faster to read....

I Don't Know HTML. Can I Still Use the Program?

Using CoffeeCup HTML requires that you understand the basics of HTML, but you don't need to be an expert. In fact, just reading the online help articles should be enough to get you up and...

Creating Custom Palettes.

If you're the type of web designer who works with both the page design and the code, then you'll appreciate CoffeeCup HTML Editor's color picker. Gone are the days of experimenting...

What is a Horizontal Rule?

A horizontal rule (<hr>) is a line that goes across a webpage, like so: That was just a default horizontal rule — it's totally possible to create stylish ones, too! To...

Bookmarking Your Files.

Maybe it's the last place you left off editing, a portion of the page where you make a lot of changes and updates, or a design element you want to run by a client — for whatever reason,...

Keyword Stuffing

What Is Keyword Stuffing? "Keyword stuffing" is the term used to define the practice of inserting blocks of keywords with the sole purpose of increasing search engine rankings....

Why Use CoffeeCup Image Mapper?

Creating image maps can be tricky. You have to specify coordinates for the areas of your map, and it is not always clear just by looking at the image what these coordinates will be. It can get...

I Can't View the Help File.

Note : In HTML Editor version 2009 and later, the .chm help file was replaced with a PDF. To upgrade to the latest version of the HTML Editor, download it from your My Products page . If you...

Which Bitrate Should I Use to Get CD-Quality Audio?

This is another of those questions that people debate endlessly. There really is no single (correct) answer - it depends on your ears, your equipment, the quality and complexity of the input...

Cannot Log In to the Admin Area

There are a few reasons why you may not be able to log in to the Admin area. 1. You did not upload the files to the exact URL you specified in Step 1 of the setup. If that is the case, the...

What is an Image Map?

An image map is an image that acts as a link, but instead of simply acting as a link to a single page, the image acts as a link to multiple pages. For instance, say you have a map of the United...

Change Coloring Options

By default, the colors Image Mapper uses are as follows: Default area color: Gray Mouseover area color: Red Selected area color: Blue Of course, if the image you use has colors that...

What is Website Color Schemer?

Website Color Schemer is a program that helps you choose a color scheme for your website. After all, we don't want OUR users creating websites with mismatched colors ;) Select colors...

Adding Stand-Alone Applications to the HTML Editor

Integrating software with the HTML Editor is quick and easy using the Applications tool . Clicking the Applications icon in the main toolbar opens a list of eight external applications,...

I Receive an Error That Refers to MFC42.dll.

When you receive this error, it means that the version of MFC42.dll on your computer is older than the one installed with the program. For whatever reason, the file is not being updated during...

Website Design & Layout

Designing a website for search engines is similar to designing a website for regular visitors, although there are some important points to keep in mind during the design stage of your website....

FTP Overview.

What is FTP? What does FTP stand for? What do I use FTP for? What does ... mean? What is an FTP client? What is a server profile? What is Passive...

What is CD-DA or DAE?

The process of direct reading the audio data is called CD Digital Audio (CD-DA) or sometimes referred to as "Digital Audio Extraction" (DAE) or as "CD ripping" . CoffeeCup CD & MP3 Ripper uses...

Bitrate Options

There are three types of bitrate options that you can specify for the encoder (although some encoders may not allow any options): constant, average, and variable bitrate. 1) Constant...

Crawlers/Robots in Your Log Files

As you most probably know, search engines use "crawlers" to check your website for your content. Since your Website will not be listed in the major search engines unless their crawlers...

What Are Hidden Keywords

One of the most common instances of spam on websites is the use of hidden keywords, which is also commonly referred to as invisible text. Hidden keywords are defined as text that cannot be seen by...

HTML Optimization Tips

Optimizing Your Website In the age of broadband internet access, it can be somewhat easy to forget about optimizing for lower bandwidth visitors. Many people these days use DSL or Cable...

File and Folder Names

Do File or Folder names matter? Filenames usually carry very small significance in Search Engines, although every little helps. By choosing the correct filename you can increase your...

How Do You Use Free FTP?

Getting Started The first thing you have to do in order to use Free FTP is set up your server profile. You can do this by clicking File > Manage Servers . This will open the My Servers...

Default Stop Words

There are a number of words that search engines will treat differently when looking over your website and when you perform a search. These so called Stop Words  don't provide meaning...

Keyword Prominence in the TITLE tag

Keyword prominence measures how close the keyword appears of the beginning of the sentence. The closer to the beginning your targeted keyword appears, the higher the prominence will be, with a...

Alt Text

Optimizing Images The <alt> attribute has the fundamental purpose of briefly describing the image, so that if the image is not present for any reason, it can be replaced by the...

Squares or Question Marks Appear in Place of Spaces.

These characters will appear in place of spaces if the text was originally written in another application, such as Microsoft Word, and then copied and pasted into the Visual Editor tab . The...