Would like to make a reoccuring event happen bi-weekly. Right now I don't see that as an option. If there is already a way and I just can't find it I would appreciate it if someone would let me know.
This new calendar could possible be the tool, that a lot want to use - but it's not universal.
Why not make it possible to use other formats for time - it's not all over the world AP and PM are used, it should be possible to use other formats.
The predefined way to show events should be possible to define, so it can be in the local language.
It gives at lot af work, to translate every instance of misspelled word and changing time-format manual - before publishing.
Why not make it possible to use other formats for time - it's not all over the world AP and PM are used, it should be possible to use other formats.
The predefined way to show events should be possible to define, so it can be in the local language.
It gives at lot af work, to translate every instance of misspelled word and changing time-format manual - before publishing.
I just bought web calendar and it's nice and simple to use.
However, I am disappointed with a few aspects :-(
1) It would be great if events could be colour-coded once the calendar's been published, rather than the date number simply being underlined, which looks pretty lame!
2) It would be great if there was a mouseover feature built in so that when the user hovers over an event, the event window automatically pops up, rather than having to click on it.
3) It would be great to be able to user-define the background colour of the pop-up window - that yellow is really a bit sickly :-(
4) Even though I can select text colour when adding my event, it's always brown when published :-(
5) Last thing, when adding an event, I'd like to be able to leave the time fields independently blank as I don't always have a time available when adding the event. Or how about a 'TBC' option?
That's it for now. When will an update be available? 'Cos I'd really like it yesterday :-)
However, I am disappointed with a few aspects :-(
1) It would be great if events could be colour-coded once the calendar's been published, rather than the date number simply being underlined, which looks pretty lame!
2) It would be great if there was a mouseover feature built in so that when the user hovers over an event, the event window automatically pops up, rather than having to click on it.
3) It would be great to be able to user-define the background colour of the pop-up window - that yellow is really a bit sickly :-(
4) Even though I can select text colour when adding my event, it's always brown when published :-(
5) Last thing, when adding an event, I'd like to be able to leave the time fields independently blank as I don't always have a time available when adding the event. Or how about a 'TBC' option?
That's it for now. When will an update be available? 'Cos I'd really like it yesterday :-)
I agree with the previous post and add:
1) important to me to be able to add a link to any item so viewer is taken to a page in the site
2) would like to be able to have a graphic with the item as needed - optional
3) can copy and save events for future use as many come up again and again
I am currently using a pretty old program - HTML Calendar Maker Pro
- that is a bit clunky but much more flexible. I would like the speed and convenience of a CoffeeCup program for my calendars if it did more of what I need.
1) important to me to be able to add a link to any item so viewer is taken to a page in the site
2) would like to be able to have a graphic with the item as needed - optional
3) can copy and save events for future use as many come up again and again
I am currently using a pretty old program - HTML Calendar Maker Pro
- that is a bit clunky but much more flexible. I would like the speed and convenience of a CoffeeCup program for my calendars if it did more of what I need.
Sinecure Bob
I am adding this to a village site & would love to be able to repeat their meeting date (2nd Thurs of Monday) forever - I entered the 1st one (on the 14th) & now it is on the 14th of every month
so now I have to manually enter each council meeting date & also the DDA meeting date for every month - times & locations do not change, so a repeat on the same day of the month would be great!
Can multiple events on the same day be shown in time order, not in the order they are entered.
Also I haven't looked at it too much, but I did publish a calendar just to see if it is working (before I put it on my website) & it seems to only pull the 1st event on a given date - how do I see the other events if I have 3 things scheduled on the same day. I have my calendar with a width of 200px so it will fit on the homepg.

Can multiple events on the same day be shown in time order, not in the order they are entered.
Also I haven't looked at it too much, but I did publish a calendar just to see if it is working (before I put it on my website) & it seems to only pull the 1st event on a given date - how do I see the other events if I have 3 things scheduled on the same day. I have my calendar with a width of 200px so it will fit on the homepg.
Hello Calendarphiles at CC,
I agree with most of the above posts about the requirement for events to be recorded as the 1st Monday of the Month; or 3rd Thursday, etc. And the ability to record a bi-monthly or quarterly event, for example, as the 4th Monday of Feb, May, August & November, into infinity. Most people have meetings on a certain day on a weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or yearly basis.
As a template, Mozilla Lightning 1.9 has the goods! So, something along those lines would be excellent (or
) in 2013.
I would also like to see an express track to S-Drive now that it is proven.
Allen V.
I agree with most of the above posts about the requirement for events to be recorded as the 1st Monday of the Month; or 3rd Thursday, etc. And the ability to record a bi-monthly or quarterly event, for example, as the 4th Monday of Feb, May, August & November, into infinity. Most people have meetings on a certain day on a weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or yearly basis.
As a template, Mozilla Lightning 1.9 has the goods! So, something along those lines would be excellent (or

I would also like to see an express track to S-Drive now that it is proven.

Allen V.
I have been using Web Calendar for a few months. It is registered. I would love to see the option to resize the calendar as an option.
Keep up the good work. May I also add that the community gives excellent support to it's users. I have not seen this with any other program out there. Thank you !
Keep up the good work. May I also add that the community gives excellent support to it's users. I have not seen this with any other program out there. Thank you !
Hey Carole,
Thanks for the kind compliments
About re-sizing, um, you can! If you choose 'Theme' from the top you'll get a pop-up box to select your Theme, and under that is an option to set the Calendar 'Width'. Length is based on the Width setting so you only get the one option.
That work for you? Or did you have something else in mind?
Thanks for the kind compliments

About re-sizing, um, you can! If you choose 'Theme' from the top you'll get a pop-up box to select your Theme, and under that is an option to set the Calendar 'Width'. Length is based on the Width setting so you only get the one option.
That work for you? Or did you have something else in mind?
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
As a workaround for every other (0r different interval) week/day/month, etc., you can
Scott: Adding an Export to iCal for ONLY the selected event would be a very handy feature enhancement... But, it would be even better to add interval support and day of week/month support for repeating events, as then, you wouldn't need the selected event export as often...
Webcal DOES support displaying imported ical events with intervals, but it ignores ical repeating events which specify days of the week for the repeating event..
- add a repeating event.
- Export the events to an ical file
- open the exported file for manual editing with your favorite text editor
- locate the event/end event associated with the event in question
- locate the RRULE (Repeating Rule) line in the event (which contains your frequency (MONTHLY, WEEKLY, etc.) The line will begin with something like this: RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;. . .
- Insert INTERVAL=2; (or 3 for every third week/month, 4 for every fourth, etc.) immediately after the existing semicolon following the frequency. So that it now looks like: RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;. . .
- There's no way to export JUST the selected event, so the exported ical file file has ALL your calendar events. If you now import this file into your calendar, you'll have duplicates of every existing calendar item... So, you'll need to either
- Delete all items in webcalendar before importing the edited file, or
- in webcalendar, delete JUST the event you've edited outside webcalendar, and in the ics file, delete all events EXCEPT the event you earlier edited...(which is the safer option, as if there's an text edit issue, you will not have deleted all existing events in your calendar!)
- Import the edited .ics file to your calendar.
Scott: Adding an Export to iCal for ONLY the selected event would be a very handy feature enhancement... But, it would be even better to add interval support and day of week/month support for repeating events, as then, you wouldn't need the selected event export as often...
Webcal DOES support displaying imported ical events with intervals, but it ignores ical repeating events which specify days of the week for the repeating event..

How about an upcoming events list that you can list on the left side of the page using Visual Editor, seems like nothing is getting updated anymore. I guess we're all getting old...
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