Suggestions for Shopping Cart Creator...

User 531474 Photo

Registered User
150 posts

I'd like to see some sports related themes for SCC/Pro (baseball, basketball, football, hockey). Or even some sports related Icons.

User 2093313 Photo

Registered User
20 posts

Would like to second this request - especially for baseball and softball!!!

Jefff wrote:
I'd like to see some sports related themes for SCC/Pro (baseball, basketball, football, hockey). Or even some sports related Icons.

Lynn Snell
Grand Slam USA
Indoor Baseball and Softball Training Academy
User 1951091 Photo

Registered User
1 post

what is a PayPal identity token they the shopping cart askes for in the payment section?
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:
Bill Mc wrote:
Is token required to use scc?

Yes, to use PayPal Express or Website Payments Standard you need to use the Identity Token. If you click the "?" in the PayPal account information dialog, it will give you the instructions on how to obtain your key.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 140444 Photo

Registered User
99 posts

I would like to have a Dealer Log in Section for the site that way folks with products that can be sold wholesale could be sold to dealers with a dealer log in and specific dealer discount.
User 2248466 Photo

Registered User
1 post

it was not what I was expecting
you can't edit text only this images
I though you can edit every thing
I can do this in adobe sorry guys not for me

I do like the shop
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,226 posts

Hi Kevin, You should take another look because you can edit text.;)

You can either type the text in and edit it with the tools built in to the program or hard code it with HTML.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 1942820 Photo

Registered User
1 post

It would be a great idea to add a TBA (to be announced) ability in the price area of shopping cart creator
User 127918 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

Teresa McCall wrote:
I love the inventory control, however, it would be nice if you could also use the optional fields option and have a way of tracking different colors/sizes of the same product so you don't have to list them individually in order to keep up with how many of what color/size product you have left in stock.

I would also like to see the option of including a product in more than one category without having to duplicate it. AND if you duplicate into another category how does that affect your inventory control? Say I have only 2 of a particular item and I list it in two categories does that double my product available shown in my inventory?

Thanks for listening!

These two items are desparately needed, is the software being currently worked on? I need the ability to control inventory based on size and color as well as cross promote the same item in two different places.

Is there any time frame of when these might be done, if ever?
User 127918 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

I also need the ability to offer free shipping at some minimum purchase threshhold.

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