Suggestions for Foundation Framer -...

User 372018 Photo

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Steve wrote:
BurrMan wrote:
I would like to see the ability to customize the naming conventions of the underlying export file structure...

So like in RSD where you export and end up with "coffeegrinder.css" and js files or with "Foundation.css" and js files.

I would like to control these names in export.

Just wondering why you would want to do this?

Hi Steve,
Sorry I let that go by for so long. Why?

Several reasons. non-branded output. Security. personal preferences and interoperability's. Having the output be "my own" if presented as commercial works, etc, etc....
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User 434929 Photo

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Mansour ... wrote:
Video element being promised since RLM and surprisingly yet to be implement after years into RSD / RFF but we have this element in RCS, wonder why :(

Foundation Framer 2.0 Build 129 with video element.
Thank you and hopefully soon will be implemented into RSD as well .
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User 2087608 Photo

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I would like the ability to lock the breakpoints in place (I couldn't find an option to do this, so if I missed it, just tell me where). With the workflow I'm using I am clicking back and forth between the breakpoints a lot, and I often end up accidentally moving them, which means I have to pay extra attention to when I'm clicking because if I move something and don't catch it right away, I have to go back and change it, which could impact my design and make me redo something that's already been done. While this may not seem like a big deal, it can certainly be cumbersome when you're working large-scale projects.

Another feature that I would like to see (again, just tell me where if it's here already) is the ability to manually add breakpoints using a type-in style interface. Sort of how you can add tabs in Word by opening the menu and adding exact numbers to the list. This would make it easier for me to program exact widths for specific devices without having to drag the slider around and meticulously watch for the number to be the exact width I need.
User 2681734 Photo

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Krysten Hohman wrote:
I would like the ability to lock the breakpoints in place.

I think what you're looking for is on the Toolbar under Modes > Disable All Breakpoints
User 188640 Photo

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Krysten Hohman wrote:
This would make it easier for me to program exact widths for specific devices without having to drag the slider around and meticulously watch for the number to be the exact width I need.


You shouldn't be trying to set breakpoints for each device width. Use the slider to move up from mobile in FF and down from desktop in RSD until your design breaks. Add a breakpoint and fix what's broken and continue until your site looks good all the way through.

That way you don't have to think in terms of 'device widths' and your site will look good on any device.
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User 2087608 Photo

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Ernie Hodge wrote:
Krysten Hohman wrote:
This would make it easier for me to program exact widths for specific devices without having to drag the slider around and meticulously watch for the number to be the exact width I need.


You shouldn't be trying to set breakpoints for each device width. Use the slider to move up from mobile in FF and down from desktop in RSD until your design breaks. Add a breakpoint and fix what's broken and continue until your site looks good all the way through.

That way you don't have to think in terms of 'device widths' and your site will look good on any device.

I understand what you're saying, but I stand by my suggestion to be able to add breakpoints by a type-in style interface. It doesn't have to be something everyone uses, but I think it would be useful nonetheless. It would definitely suit the way I work - which may be totally different than the way most people work, but it has served me well thus far.
User 2087608 Photo

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BadCat wrote:
Krysten Hohman wrote:
I would like the ability to lock the breakpoints in place.

I think what you're looking for is on the Toolbar under Modes > Disable All Breakpoints

That's sort of what I mean, except I want to be able to edit the query-specific design while not being able to move the breakpoints.
User 2699991 Photo

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Same suggestion as for RSD, remove the pixels sizes information on the slider bar, which will help those that don't fully understand the concept of using breakpoints as a design feature rather than designing for specific pixel viewport sizes, and allow them to concentrate on the design across all devices.

I agree with previous poster though the ability to lock/unlock the breakpoint position would be nice (my hands are not as steady as they used to be and sometimes I also inadvertently move a breakpoint, although it usually is not a lot to cause too much damage to the overall design (thank my God for the message that pops up to warn me about that)
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User 103173 Photo

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Wayanjaya wrote:
Same suggestion as for RSD, remove the pixels sizes information on the slider bar, which will help those that don't fully understand the concept of using breakpoints as a design feature rather than designing for specific pixel viewport sizes, and allow them to concentrate on the design across all devices.

There is a flaw in that request. For example, when you ask for help, and cannot figure out why something is behaving in a particular way, we are going to say "Move the slider to the 5th breakpoint from the second section of the website. That is the one right above the slider on my screen". Then when you ask us "uh, which one?". :-)

Without some form of measurement, be it %, PX or whatever you will not know where that breakpoint lies.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2846109 Photo

341 posts

Regarding the breakpoint slider area; it would be nice to be able to click on any of the three icons to the left of the slider to have the break point automatically go to the break point for that device. And it would also be great to be able to click on the break point px listing on the left and type in a specific number. Also this could apply to the zoom factor slightly above. It would be nice to be able to click to set a specific zoom factor.

Jeff (built with Bootstrap Builder)
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The Universe from A to Z - (built with Foundation Framer)

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