Form Designer Ver3.0 Build 138 (Beta...

User 187934 Photo

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Scottco wrote:
I just bought the web designer I'm a little disappointed it seems like its over my head to figure out I figured the old forms out and use them all the time hope they don't get rid of the old ones .....however its me because I'm somewhat of a novice not the software

No you can't
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 452266 Photo

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Eric Rohloff wrote:

No you can't

Eric, I submitted a Question on your website.


May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)
User 2147646 Photo

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233 posts

Sandcrab3 wrote:
Does anyone using Form Designer know if once you design a front end for a form know if you can then open that in Form Builder to finish it so that you also have the back end?
Have a look here and scroll to Connect to any Script it hints that WFB will be updated to import forms that are created in WFD

User 2624719 Photo

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279 posts

Hi All
I can only think that as we know Coffee Cup are on a well deserved holiday and as Form Designer is so early in beta we have been given a tantalising look at this software as well as get to play with it .This will be one of the great innovative Tools i will have in my arsenal as well as Form Builder

Adrian Happy New Year to all Creative Web Designers
User 1743776 Photo

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74 posts

I’d like to use new form Designer but I’d like a trial period of a few days so I can see if I can integrate it into my RSD. I have scripts and PHP with all my Web Builder forms now and call them through RSD.
Live in a steady joy!
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

Hi Dick,

Designing is one of my strengths but coding my own forms or working with the code that Webform Builder has is not. It would be great if you could show us how you did it.

Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2622524 Photo

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97 posts

Hi All

I know it is early days for this new application and looking at the interface and how it works is a huge step forward from the old Form Builder however, after reading some of the feedback so far I am a bit concerned. It seems at this point that the "back-end" code (see screen capture of old Web Form Builder) will not form part of this new form and it will have to be coded afterwards manually.

I'm not a PHP/JavaScript coder and I totally rely on the current Form Builder to code that for me. Unless this back-end are included at a later date, this new Form Designer would be a total waste of money for me.
User 18142 Photo

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We use a lot of conditional formatting - e.g. a pull-down that makes a form multi-use - to display fields and then route the form to different e-mail addresses based on the pull-down. This works great win WFB. I cannot seem to find where I can do this in Form Designer. Any hints? TIA, Mark
Mark A. Fien
The FIEN Group, LLC : technology consulting and electronic publishing : helping boards communicate with the public they server : the ultimate literature cd-rom
User 458539 Photo

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Can't wait for one of you dcxnart guys to post tutorials on this program!
User 2622524 Photo

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97 posts

Bob Visser wrote:
Chris Fourie wrote:
Not sure if this forum is the correct one to post questions with regards to the new Form Designer Ver 3.0 (BETA)?

Hey there Chris,

We wanted to give everybody the opportunity to play with and test the app over the Christmas holiday first. We will be opening a dedicated forum for Form Designer next week.

Hi Bob

Any news on the dedicated forum for the Form Designer yet?

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