Website search - Post ID 139149

User 2135058 Photo

8 posts

Hi Everybody,

I'm new around here but am hoping somebody might be able to help me pls.

Have downloaded a trail version of the website search software, but am getting an error message when I run searches ('There seems to be a problem processing your request'). Not sure what I've done wrong but am loath to purchase the full version until I've managed to get the freebie trial version working.

There's a similar post from another user in one of the other threads, but it doesn't look like it was ever resolved and I don't think I have permissions to reply to it anyway ...


PS: Website address is but bear in mind its still under construction. The link to enter the site appears when you hover the mouse in the top left corner of the screen. Thanks !!
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hiya Lance,

Could it be that you didn't upload the files to the correct location maybe? I'm pretty sure that they need to go to the same directory (site root) that your index.html page goes. I haven't used this program, but that's typically how the programs work, either site root or to the directory of the page that the code is on for the app. I'll assume it's on your index.html file, but if it's elsewhere then the files all need to be uploaded to that directory of that page.

Hope that helps, and hollar if not and we'll try to get some more details.
User 562592 Photo

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I think Jo Ann is correct. After looking at the site and trying a search it appears that not all of your files are located in the right folder. I generally don't set up my search until right before I go live. The reason is because all of the files for the search have to go in the same spot, so if you move all of the files to a different location when you go live, it could corrupt the search.

I think the problem here is that you don't have all of the files in the right location. All of the search files have to go in the same spot on your server for the search to function properly. So, try re-uploading and see if that helps.
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User 2135058 Photo

8 posts

Thanks for the feedback guys.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's the location that is the problem, as the search files are all saved to the root directory which is also where the index file (that contains the code for the app) is located.

The problem seems to starts with the initial scan of the website (the 'Build Search' function of the software) because it only seems to find one page and doesn't pick up any of the links.

I read in the main forum that somebody else was experiencing this problem, and it ended up being something to do with Javascript, so I've taken the liberty of removing all the original web pages - which had loads of Javascript on them (and CSS) and replacing them with 4 very simple test pages, but I still can't get the software to perform that initial index of all 4 pages, so the search function still returns the message 'There seems to be a problem processing your request'.

If either of you have access to the search software programme, would one of you mind trying to build a search for my homepage just to see if it finds more than one page please?

I wonder if it's the .tv domain the software doesn't like maybe?

Thanks a lot,
User 2135058 Photo

8 posts


Further to the update I posted above, I think I can rule out any problems with the software or domain type as I’ve managed to run the ‘Build Search’ function on a couple of websites ( and and it appears to index them fine without any problems.

Guess that just leaves my web host or server in the frame? The server is running UNIX and PHP v5 – so really confused why this still isn’t working. Are there any other server requirements or settings you think I need to know about please? Its just my free trial will expire soon but I don’t want to risk buying the full product until I can get it working.

Thanks for all your help so far.


User 122279 Photo

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I'll see if I can get the experts' attention to this, just hang on...
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User 103173 Photo

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Hi Lance

I have opened a support ticket for you on this and I will get one of our techs to look into this for you.
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User 126492 Photo

1,524 posts

I can only get it to scan 1 page so it could be it is not following the links on your page.

This is one of your links>;
This takes you to <a href="/page1.html">Page 1</a>

Change it to this, note I have removed the slash infront of page:-
This takes you to <a href="page1.html">Page 1</a>

SiteSearch could be confused by the slash and think page1 is a folder, I have seen that happen before.

User 2135058 Photo

8 posts

Thanks everybody.

Tried removing the front slash from the links and re-uploading the HTML docs but its still only scanning the first page when I re-run 'Build Search' - so not finding any of the links on that first page. Have also uploaded all the other search files to the root directory (where index.html is located) ... really don't know what I've done wrong?


User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Lance,

This may be way out there, but just something I noticed is you have the search code enclosed in <p></p> tags. Maybe try putting it between <div></div> tags instead and see if that makes a difference? No clue if it will, just an observance is all.

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