Merging Cells - Post ID 142710

User 2149129 Photo

Trial User
2 posts

Hi all, just trying out the trial version. I'm trying to merge some cells but the "Merge Cells" button is greyed out. Anyone know how I can get this done?

Also when is visual Editor, I'm trying to acces the cell pads but it's not showing up anywhere.

Cool program btw, will probably pick it up after I try a few other items in the editor.
User 562592 Photo

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What type of cells are your trying to merge?
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User 2149129 Photo

Trial User
2 posts

Hi, I have 6 cells in my links table. I want to merge cells 5 and 6 :)
User 122279 Photo

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Gamehouse, are you referring to the HTML Editor? And if so, have you already created the table celles, or are you in the process of doing so.

If the cells are in your file already, how about just deleting one?

It would also be a good idea to post the url if the page in question has been uploaded, or a screen shot if it hasn't.
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User 117361 Photo

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<table border="1" width="800px" height="200px">
<tr><!-- Row 1 -->
<td>one</td><!-- Col 1 -->
<td>two</td><!-- Col 2 -->
<td>three</td><!-- Col 3 -->
<td>four</td><!-- Col 4 -->
<td colspan="2">five and six</td><!-- Col 5 -->

I have added a width and a height so that you can see more clearly how this works. Paste this code into a new html page just to see it in preview.
User 126492 Photo

1,524 posts

Or, you could have one like this:-

<div><table width="400" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" bgcolor="#ffffff">
<tr valign="top">
<tr valign="top">
<tr valign="top">
<td colspan="2">five and six</td>

3 horizontal rows with the bottom one merged.

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