1.x vs 2.0 - pricing - Post ID 221722

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,253 posts

Why does the time between versions even matter. CC could do all the work of this update and sit on the release for a year. If the update is worth the price then the amount of time is ill relevant.
Keep up the great work CC and thank you!:)
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User 40731 Photo

9 posts

You should have called V2.0 somethnig else and then this thread wouldn't exist :D
Paul Furey
Dublin - Ireland

User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

I just got a special offer in my email for $47.39... But I'd rather get the new one for $19.... Where's that offer? :D
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

paintbrush wrote:
I just got a special offer in my email for $47.39... But I'd rather get the new one for $19.... Where's that offer? :D

The $19 offer is only available in the email we sent you 2 days ago. Click that link in there to obtain the discount price.

Sounds like you have 2 accounts with us. One with a past Website Insight purchase and one without.
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User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Just realized I have 2 different emails. I get stuff sent to 2 different addresses and just assumed they were the same message.
Thanks, Scott! Nothing to complain about here, I gotta go grab this while it's on offer :D
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 2147646 Photo

Registered User
233 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:
Also, if your order was within 30 days, the update is free. I think that is an amazing deal! :)

Scott I didn't realize there was a 30 day period. I purchased Web Insight 1.1 on the 1st of Nov(at a discounted price). When I got the email showing the new great features I clicked the link and purchased the upgrade without thinking to check my downloads first :)

I don't mind paying for updates when they include features that the people wan't like this update does. The only thing I would say is the upgrade period of 7 days is a little short, some weeks I wouldn't have the spare cash even though I would like to take the upgrade.

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

James D wrote:

Scott I didn't realize there was a 30 day period. I purchased Web Insight 1.1 on the 1st of Nov(at a discounted price). When I got the email showing the new great features I clicked the link and purchased the upgrade without thinking to check my downloads first :)

I don't mind paying for updates when they include features that the people wan't like this update does. The only thing I would say is the upgrade period of 7 days is a little short, some weeks I wouldn't have the spare cash even though I would like to take the upgrade.

There is not a 7 day upgrade period James. It is a 30 day upgrade period. I have actually just refunded your $19 purchase as you were entitled to the free update. ;)
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User 2147646 Photo

Registered User
233 posts

Thanks for that scott :)
I mean the discount period :) This is from the email
However, crafting such greatness isn’t a cakewalk. Given the resources it took to develop this significant upgrade, there is a small fee. This will allow us to continue adding the features you ask for. But have no fear... you can always stay on V1.2 but if you want the power of V2 you can upgrade in the next 7 days for a small price.
Note: normal retail price of $79 will apply after this period.

User 2418367 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Same here, except I paid $39 on 21 Sept and now having to pay for the upgrade after such a short time is to say a bit disappointing plus the upgrade doesn't seem to add much particularly as the social media settings don't seem to work correctly.
Think I have to review my future upgrades and purchases a bit deeper before purchasing. Can I get a refund?
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Again, while the Coffeecup staff may occasionally visit these forums to keep tabs on what is going on, this forum is for users to talk to other users. We didn't make the programs, we didn't sell them, we can't refund money.

If you have an issue to discuss with Coffeecup then you need to open a support topic. Go to your name at the top of the page and scroll down to 'Your Support Room' and open a topic. That way Coffeecup can respond to you in the quickest manner possible. :cool:
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