First, want to say this is a great program. It greatly simplifies things. Just have two comments/questions.
On most web forms that I see with a date picker field, there is a small calendar image next to the the input box, that when clicked brings up the date picker calendar. Is there any way to add a calendar image with this functionality to the date element?
Second, when the default Thank You message appears after form submission, the form box is the same length as the form itself. This is not really a problem except that the page appears at the very bottom, which means the user must scroll to the top of the page to see the Thank You message. Any way to correct this?
On most web forms that I see with a date picker field, there is a small calendar image next to the the input box, that when clicked brings up the date picker calendar. Is there any way to add a calendar image with this functionality to the date element?
Second, when the default Thank You message appears after form submission, the form box is the same length as the form itself. This is not really a problem except that the page appears at the very bottom, which means the user must scroll to the top of the page to see the Thank You message. Any way to correct this?
Can I use the same database as my old web form builder, or is it best to create a new one?
Stephen wrote:
Can I use the same database as my old web form builder, or is it best to create a new one?
Can I use the same database as my old web form builder, or is it best to create a new one?
I would suggest creating a new one.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
I could really use an "Order Number Generator" built into a form ?
Simply using a time-stamp wouldn't be an efficient approach to the problem.
Simply using a time-stamp wouldn't be an efficient approach to the problem.
Audrey Harper wrote:
Second, when the default Thank You message appears after form submission, the form box is the same length as the form itself. This is not really a problem except that the page appears at the very bottom, which means the user must scroll to the top of the page to see the Thank You message. Any way to correct this?
Second, when the default Thank You message appears after form submission, the form box is the same length as the form itself. This is not really a problem except that the page appears at the very bottom, which means the user must scroll to the top of the page to see the Thank You message. Any way to correct this?
In my opinion this is a big problem.
Søren, Denmark
It's a pitty that multiple uploads are not possible :-(
Jean-Pierre Kestens wrote:
It's a pitty that multiple uploads are not possible :-(
It's a pitty that multiple uploads are not possible :-(
Say ?
You should check this page out:
In the section titled "Yeah, You Can Build That, Too" - 9th checkmark down. "Multiple files can be uploaded at once".
How COOL is that?

Living the dream, stocking the cream

Hiya JPK,
Just add multiple upload elements and you're all set to go
Just add multiple upload elements and you're all set to go

i can see where JPK is coming from. It would be nice if multiple form fields were not necessary to for multiple uploads. A singe form field handling multiple uploads would lend to a cleaner interface. Not having to guess how many upload fields will be needed and, by default, including more than are needed - would be nice.
Of course - this opens up an entire programming can of worms.
My customers will get 3 upload fields and will learn to like it
Of course - this opens up an entire programming can of worms.
My customers will get 3 upload fields and will learn to like it

Please can we have some flexibility of positioning for the Submit button, apart from left-centre-right?
I'm unable to quickly set up a form (which was my reason for buying WFB) unless I change the html/css, which is something I'm not familiar with. I need the button on the same line as the email form, and it seems I can't do that. Can I have my money back, please:(
Gordon Williams
I'm unable to quickly set up a form (which was my reason for buying WFB) unless I change the html/css, which is something I'm not familiar with. I need the button on the same line as the email form, and it seems I can't do that. Can I have my money back, please:(
Gordon Williams
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