Is there any way of changing the colour of the theme? For example what if we wanted to use the Default style form but in a green shade instead of the grey colour? (Note: I'm only a new user so apologies if I've missed this already).
Leesa Swan wrote:
Is there any way of changing the colour of the theme? For example what if we wanted to use the Default style form but in a green shade instead of the grey colour? (Note: I'm only a new user so apologies if I've missed this already).
Is there any way of changing the colour of the theme? For example what if we wanted to use the Default style form but in a green shade instead of the grey colour? (Note: I'm only a new user so apologies if I've missed this already).
Not through the interface yet, but you can do it when you export your form. We will have an update pretty soon that includes this functionality in the software.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
ReCAPTCHA is a great security feature to be sure a human sent the form, but there is another problem that ReCAPTCHA dosen't solve and would be a Great addition to Form Builder IMHO.
The problem arrises when a human represents themselves as someone else, for any reason, as in the case of opt-in subscriptions.
If Form Builder had a feature for "opt in subscriptions" where the form is authenticated by an email automatically sent to the email address in the form, so that the info in the form was NOT used unless a link in the email sent was clicked (confirming that the address in the form was genuine) and only then the info was used by the form.
Form Builder would appeal to so many people that use "opt in subscriptions" such as myself.
This may already have been looked at and possibly implmented, but I havn't had the time to read everything on your list, so if it has I am sorry for taking up your time. If not then I think it would be a great feature I may not have described the feature very well but I think you will understand what I am getting at
Its also the first time I have suggested anything as well
just trying to be helpfull
The problem arrises when a human represents themselves as someone else, for any reason, as in the case of opt-in subscriptions.
If Form Builder had a feature for "opt in subscriptions" where the form is authenticated by an email automatically sent to the email address in the form, so that the info in the form was NOT used unless a link in the email sent was clicked (confirming that the address in the form was genuine) and only then the info was used by the form.
Form Builder would appeal to so many people that use "opt in subscriptions" such as myself.
This may already have been looked at and possibly implmented, but I havn't had the time to read everything on your list, so if it has I am sorry for taking up your time. If not then I think it would be a great feature I may not have described the feature very well but I think you will understand what I am getting at

Its also the first time I have suggested anything as well

.......New option to set the item width for each element
Better, but I fear it's still not specific enough!
In the previous version the text entered, automatically filled the width, which was neat and easy but I am now finding, for example, that 75% is too short but 100% is to wide or 20% is not small enough. Hence, I am having to reduce text size to fit.
Could we have the option to enter our own % or increase the increment options?
In fact, as the item width is selected from a drop down box, why not simply have 5% increments?
It just seems needlessly irritating at present, compared to before.
Still loking good tho'
Better, but I fear it's still not specific enough!
In the previous version the text entered, automatically filled the width, which was neat and easy but I am now finding, for example, that 75% is too short but 100% is to wide or 20% is not small enough. Hence, I am having to reduce text size to fit.
Could we have the option to enter our own % or increase the increment options?
In fact, as the item width is selected from a drop down box, why not simply have 5% increments?
It just seems needlessly irritating at present, compared to before.
Still loking good tho'
Better, but I fear it's still not specific enough!
Could we have the option to enter our own % or increase the increment options?
Better, but I fear it's still not specific enough!
Could we have the option to enter our own % or increase the increment options?
What about width in px as well?
I fear I may be asking too much here but with the Magical Date Field, it would be excellent if I could exclude certain day/dates i.e. Exclude Saturdays and Sundays, these dates would appear shaded and unselectable.
Dream on, I hear you say
Dream on, I hear you say

I fear I may be asking too much here but with the Magical Date Field, it would be excellent if I could exclude certain day/dates i.e. Exclude Saturdays and Sundays, these dates would appear shaded and unselectable.
The days can be removed from the list in the Library folder. I do agree with your previous post. It would be nice to be able to adjust the objects in relation to each other ie:-
Side by side, staggered, one on top of the other and in fact the ability to place each object anywhere in the form one wished with control over size and exact position. WYSIWYG.
Becoming a good tool for us webmaster wanna be's
The Guy from OZ
I would be nice if we could have two Error Message fields for the Number field.
One where we could type what to show if the field is required and the field is empty when hitting Submit.
The other one to show another message if there isn't filled in a legal number.
Søren Nørnberg
One where we could type what to show if the field is required and the field is empty when hitting Submit.
The other one to show another message if there isn't filled in a legal number.
Søren Nørnberg
Søren, Denmark
Scott Swedorski wrote:
................ you can hack the CSS files and tweak them all you like.
................ you can hack the CSS files and tweak them all you like.

Hhhhmmm..... this got me thinking!
I previously posted about the wish to be able to select Mondays to Fridays only from the calendar, (as we don't deliver at weekends).
So, I have 'hacked' into the relevant CSS file and edited it so that if the Customer selects a Saturday or Sunday, it displays 'MON-FRI DELIVERIES ONLY'...... Just the job

Do you have any objections to me/us editing your software as above?
Hhhhmmm..... this got me thinking!
I previously posted about the wish to be able to select Mondays to Fridays only from the calendar, (as we don't deliver at weekends).
So, I have 'hacked' into the relevant CSS file and edited it so that if the Customer selects a Saturday or Sunday, it displays 'MON-FRI DELIVERIES ONLY'...... Just the job
Do you have any objections to me/us editing your software as above?
Scott Swedorski wrote:
................ you can hack the CSS files and tweak them all you like.
................ you can hack the CSS files and tweak them all you like.

Hhhhmmm..... this got me thinking!
I previously posted about the wish to be able to select Mondays to Fridays only from the calendar, (as we don't deliver at weekends).
So, I have 'hacked' into the relevant CSS file and edited it so that if the Customer selects a Saturday or Sunday, it displays 'MON-FRI DELIVERIES ONLY'...... Just the job

Do you have any objections to me/us editing your software as above?
Not at all!!

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
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