Moved the Order Details in SCCP help and conversation to here: … from-sccp/ … from-sccp/
Jo Ann wrote:
Moved the Order Details in SCCP help and conversation to here: … from-sccp/
Moved the Order Details in SCCP help and conversation to here: … from-sccp/
Bit late Jo Ann

Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner
Hi Everyone,
I have been loopking to see if SSC has been upgraded to include options where a customer can
enter info ( like name, origin,etc) . The last post I saw was Sept 2nd, 2011 and Stitchchick stated what
was needed for those of us who need to cutomize the cart. There was no response from CC so I thought I would check about the status. Any suggestions or comments on how to over come this problem is welcome.
I have been loopking to see if SSC has been upgraded to include options where a customer can
enter info ( like name, origin,etc) . The last post I saw was Sept 2nd, 2011 and Stitchchick stated what
was needed for those of us who need to cutomize the cart. There was no response from CC so I thought I would check about the status. Any suggestions or comments on how to over come this problem is welcome.
Will the updates to the shopping cart be the integration of digital products, such as eBooks? I am a book publisher, with 99% of my business in ebook form, and other companies just don't cut what you all offer. I have been a customer for 3+ years, but without the ability to list my products on my CoffeeCup web site, the Shopping Cart Creator is worthless to me. Worse than that, because it is aggrevating.
You all sell digital ebooks of your own on your own web site, and the integration of such into Shopping Cart Creator has been talked about for quite some time.
You would have a very happy and satisfied customer here if you would just add that one thing. I love all your programs other than that one, though, and I am sure it is super awesome for people who have physical products, but for those of us with ONLY digital products, we are being disappointed and let down.
Glad to hear about you all hosting websites now too. I think I might switch! Having support all in one place would be fabulous. I also thank you all for all the updates through last year.
Will the updates to the shopping cart be the integration of digital products, such as eBooks? I am a book publisher, with 99% of my business in ebook form, and other companies just don't cut what you all offer. I have been a customer for 3+ years, but without the ability to list my products on my CoffeeCup web site, the Shopping Cart Creator is worthless to me. Worse than that, because it is aggrevating.

You would have a very happy and satisfied customer here if you would just add that one thing. I love all your programs other than that one, though, and I am sure it is super awesome for people who have physical products, but for those of us with ONLY digital products, we are being disappointed and let down.
Glad to hear about you all hosting websites now too. I think I might switch! Having support all in one place would be fabulous. I also thank you all for all the updates through last year.
Ditto to Carly M - digital products please (we are a language services company), and moneybookers integration as well would be good... Many people have had their accounts blocked by paypal - us included!! No warning, no valid reason, just blocked 'for verification' - not good for business...
Hi Coffee Cuppers
I upload to public_html/xxxshop/ - but the server details don't always hold this - so I have to remember to check and sometimes change /shop/ on Publish/Upload - small matter and no big deal in the grand scheme of things - but it would be helpful if you could add the remote directory path to the server setup details.. or is it there and I'm not seeing it?
With regard to images within extra pages - I am using the full URL and html no problem.. but it would be great if I could insert images directly into the pages..and let the creator add these to the files for upload.. just a thought
As always - a great product..worth at least 10 times what I've paid for it..
ps - like the jackhammer analogy - sounds like me...
I upload to public_html/xxxshop/ - but the server details don't always hold this - so I have to remember to check and sometimes change /shop/ on Publish/Upload - small matter and no big deal in the grand scheme of things - but it would be helpful if you could add the remote directory path to the server setup details.. or is it there and I'm not seeing it?
With regard to images within extra pages - I am using the full URL and html no problem.. but it would be great if I could insert images directly into the pages..and let the creator add these to the files for upload.. just a thought
As always - a great product..worth at least 10 times what I've paid for it..
ps - like the jackhammer analogy - sounds like me...
Dynamic Web Presentations
Dynamic Web Presentations
Hiya Tan..,
I haven't used the Basic version of the cart software in quite some time, but I'm pretty sure the server details are setup in the Settings there the same as they are in the Pro version. Once you add them there you should not ever have to change them unless you're working on a different shop which then you'll have to change all of it as the Basic version does not accommodate multiple shops like the Pro version does.
Check your settings and see on the Server section. Put your settings in there such as:
and see if that does the trick (note the forward slash as the first char of that line).
I haven't used the Basic version of the cart software in quite some time, but I'm pretty sure the server details are setup in the Settings there the same as they are in the Pro version. Once you add them there you should not ever have to change them unless you're working on a different shop which then you'll have to change all of it as the Basic version does not accommodate multiple shops like the Pro version does.
Check your settings and see on the Server section. Put your settings in there such as:
and see if that does the trick (note the forward slash as the first char of that line).
I would like to link my web forms to as shopping cart. Users are registering for a dog show (two drop downs with different pricing for each list). It would be nice that when they click submit, their choice(s) are added to the cart.
Or, when they select an item in the shop, they have to create a form that is submitted.
Or, when they select an item in the shop, they have to create a form that is submitted.
Hiya Gary,
Although at this time there is no connection between the 2 programs, you could actually separate your registrations completely from your store rather than trying to add them to the shop system. That would be the way most places would do it. Create a Registration page and form and with the new form builder you can set up the form to take payments for registration so you would have a completely separate entity from the store. Then create the link in the Store somewhere so people know about it (page even if needed) and you're all set
Although at this time there is no connection between the 2 programs, you could actually separate your registrations completely from your store rather than trying to add them to the shop system. That would be the way most places would do it. Create a Registration page and form and with the new form builder you can set up the form to take payments for registration so you would have a completely separate entity from the store. Then create the link in the Store somewhere so people know about it (page even if needed) and you're all set

a suggestion for the next release ?
Make it possible to add navigation buttons/tabs to the menu so clients can easily leave the webshop and go to the website again.
a suggestion for the next release ?
Make it possible to add navigation buttons/tabs to the menu so clients can easily leave the webshop and go to the website again.
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