Still some way to go but I am getting there.
Integrating older site with shop has involved some compromises, but I am feeling reasonably satisfied with the results so far. Had to tweak some widths in the original site but it seems to be a fairly smooth transition.
Now I just have to put a lot more goods on the shelves and sort a couple of "Latin" fill pages.
The shop seemed a good way to get round a lot of those..."how much does it cost?" questions about small web sites. We still have to do personalized estimates for the bigger stuff, but I am interested to see if this will work for us.
I shall only leave this up a couple of days, otherwise I will get a thick ear from Scott for conflict of if anyone has any constructive comments to make I will be pleased to listen. And I agree with Bill ... a continue shopping button would be nice. I have had to add in a line of my own for that.