Tell us what you think of S-Drive...

User 1901332 Photo

Registered User
9 posts

Overall, solid application. I'd like more customization: buttons, backgrounds, fields, etc. I also agree with Steve (conditional logic), thank you. :D
User 2325037 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Would like to be able to format a number field in decimal to a determinable number of places (say2, 3, and/or 4) and also a money field ($100.00).

Would like a calculating line of fields i.e. Quantity (entered by user) Description (Text field in form) Price (money field in form with price determine at design time) and Value which would be Quantity x Price.
Then have the ability to subtotal all of the Value fields and calculate tax (entered by user) for the rate required by the State or Province to be paid and then a grand total.

When you wish upon a star............


Brian J Smith
Canadian Association of Rally Obedience
User 2086416 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Great Products!

I have not seen the latest version yet, but hopefully it includes templates of forms already built, such as for:

Website Designer
There are standard questions

Other examples?


User 225366 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Thanks for soliciting feature requests. I previously used a classic ASP form that had two features I really liked:

I could add query string elements into the form results table. For example, I could take URL and add product:widget to the form results using a hidden field.

Similarly, I could use ASP request HTTP_REFERER to include the referring URL in my form results.

Are either of these possible now, or being discussed as future features? It's really good to know what page/product the customer is interested in without forcing them to choose again from a drop-down list.

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,226 posts

You can Paste the url into a hidden field for reference on the submission, but you'll need a workaround to get the referer. Little html adjustment with some javascript would probably do the trick.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 1917812 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Okay, so none of my suggestions made it into 1.1, but in case anyone out there is interested in any of these things and cares to add their voice to the call, here are three things I'd like to see in the next version of Form Builder.

1. Ability to send the form to a custom built form handler page. Currently, you can output to S-Drive or save to a MySQL database. Both fine for many people, I'm sure (although you should probably have some rudimentary error handling when writing to a database), but I need to be able to call a form handling page (i.e. set the <form action="xxx.php">. I can get around this by replacing the existing form handler page created by the manual export, but it would be simpler if I could specify it as I'm creating the form.

2. Ability to include more than one Submit button. I use the value attribute of the <input type="submit"> to determine the form handling; this allows me to include a Cancel button or a Check Details button. Even a rudimentary Cancel button would be better than nothing.

3. A new element which allows the form designer to include server side scripts anywhere in the form. In other words, the ability to include something like <?php echo "Welcome "$_SESSION['user']; ?>
User 1917812 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

... and I forgot to add:
4. Ability to name both the form filename and extension. Currently the form page which is inserted in the <iframe> is named something like Form.html. I'd like to be able to specify the file name and extension (essential if my request for server side scripts - 3. above - were to get up!)
User 80628 Photo

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1 post

I don't like using the dashboard simply because it complicates my responses to such email because the return address shows a CoffeeCup address. I prefer to simply "reply" and have the senders address as destination. Also, the fact that it is not free makes it less attractive.
User 414770 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Sorry, but I agree with Michael Ashland on this one. I loved the form builder I started with, but after a year my forms started "breaking" so I had to move on to another form builder. I came back to try the new one, even bought it, but since you only have two choices, S drive or database, that lets me out. When I have to spend a full day trying to make it work, it just doesn't make me want to use it.
IF you could put the php handler back in, add in the number kind of spam prevention, make it where you can paste in html and then upload to your own site, I might come back.

Bye Coffee Cup.
Jen Standridge
User 149029 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

I'm curious to know how the connection to S-Drive works when you have multiple clients. How can they access the data without my personal password?

Say I have forms for 5 clients, some with more than one form, will the results be separated into different folders?

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