Sample website - Post ID 226461

User 460351 Photo

Registered User
24 posts

Is there a sample website that we can access with various devices to see how RLM automatically handles them? I'm about to rewrite my website and mobile device support (smartphones and tablets) was at the top of my to-do list. It sounds like this could save me a bunch of work. I'd like to see it in action though.

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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When the purchase of RLM we do provide you with 10 layouts that you can work with and in the Quick Start Guide you will fine may examples as well.

Here is just one of them from the QSG: … index.html

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2088758 Photo

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3,101 posts

Hi David,

I am in the process of changing my website to a Responsive one here is the before and after... It's still in progress

Before :

After :
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 460351 Photo

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24 posts

Well, I have to say, it's pretty cool. I put that webpage up on a widescreen monitor, tablet, and smartphone in front of me and it looks nearly perfect. A glitch here and there, but pretty good, even when I rotate the screens.

I guess my only questions are:
1) are you able to control the reformatting of images by fixed size and aspect ratio independently?
2) How does it handle third party stuff like menu creators, Wordpress embedding, Javascript, PHP, video/audio players, lightboxes, and other complex things (especially your own Web Form Builder)?
3) what's the learning curve like for someone that understands HTML, CSS, etc. Do I have to forget what I know or is it pretty standard stuff?
4) How far from HTML5 compliant is the code?

Credit card is in hand and almost ready to pull the trigger. :-)

User 460351 Photo

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24 posts

Steve (MrWebguy), that webpage is very impressive. I think looking at your website and the code behind it actually answered most of my questions about how/what can be done with RLM. Is that a standard template that comes with RLM (especially the automatic menus conversion to drop down on a mobile device)?

I'm almost hooked. I just have one more VERY important question. Can you do frames within RLM or add "standard" framable webpages outside of the RLM reformatting? The reason is, my website is required to frame or "gateway" into another website to get a data feed listing. No other cheap/easy way. I think the answer is yes, but I'm still on the outside and don't know what the limitations of RLM are.

Thank you for providing me with those links. Very helpful.

User 2484360 Photo

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David Czaya wrote:
Steve (MrWebguy), that webpage is very impressive. I think looking at your website and the code behind it actually answered most of my questions about how/what can be done with RLM. Is that a standard template that comes with RLM (especially the automatic menus conversion to drop down on a mobile device)?

I'm almost hooked. I just have one more VERY important question. Can you do frames within RLM or add "standard" framable webpages outside of the RLM reformatting? The reason is, my website is required to frame or "gateway" into another website to get a data feed listing. No other cheap/easy way. I think the answer is yes, but I'm still on the outside and don't know what the limitations of RLM are.

Thank you for providing me with those links. Very helpful.


Responsive Layout Maker creates a responsive prototype website which is a fancy word for layout. You can create the backbone of the website and then export it to any web editor and add your content and images.

You get HTML and CSS files when you export the layout. Once exported you can do the same things with a normal Website as you can with RLM Layout. You are thinking to much into it. :P

We have a bunch of articles on RLM. We have a Quick Start Guide that is very helpful when getting started with Responsive Layout Maker. We recommend taking a look at it as it explains many different parts of RLM. View it here … art-guide/

Give it a Try!
Here is a theme that we put together that you can follow along with. … out-maker/

Here is another little something we are dabbling with, do not look at the design it is not for that purpose, but it shows some of the prebuilt styles in Coffeegrinder. (You have to view the source to see the classes). … index.html

Using a CMS like Wordpress or Joomla?
As to WordPress, you would need to create the three main .php files, header.php, content.php, and footer.php. You can find a tutorial here. … -template/

User 460351 Photo

Registered User
24 posts

>>You are thinking to much into it. :P

Adam, after looking at the code in Steve's example, I understand you are exactly right. I had the basic "idea" of the RLM all wrong. I'm getting a handle on it now. I'll look over the examples you provided which I'm sure will help me greatly. Thank you. I appreciate your input!!

User 2484360 Photo

Registered User
3,293 posts

David Czaya wrote:
>>You are thinking to much into it. :P

Adam, after looking at the code in Steve's example, I understand you are exactly right. I had the basic "idea" of the RLM all wrong. I'm getting a handle on it now. I'll look over the examples you provided which I'm sure will help me greatly. Thank you. I appreciate your input!!


My pleasure!
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,101 posts

Hey David,

Thanks for all the kind words about my design. To answer your question, no I did not use a template for my website. I started that one from scratch and it is still a work in progress. As a user and developer I love this tool! Still a lot to learn with it but I'm chipping away at it. But I promise you one thing.... You will not be disappointed!

And above all that Coffeecup has the best support on earth! You get stuck or have a question they are extremely prompt at answering any questions you may have. Plus this forum is full of great people willing to go the extra mile.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,101 posts

Oh and to answer some of your other questions, the link I provided with my "Before" title, this is what the RLM spit out (minus the menu) after I configured it the way I wanted it. (I added the menu after to let people browse to the different page layouts I created)

From that point I exported it and Started editing it with my HTML Editor. The menu you see there was built with a Coffeecup program called Responsive Menu Builder and it can be found here .

The nice little responsive buttons I have on there was built with another Coffeecup program call Responsive Button Builder and it can be found here

As you can tell I am addicted to Coffeecup software. Combine these three applications and you are going to be able to build a pretty rocking website!

For the photo gallery and the thumbnail galleries I used other third party software called WOW Slider and Visual Lightbox. If CC sold this type of software I would be using it lol....

Any ways from one developer to another this is the wave of what coming up if not already here for website design. I know all my clients have been bugging me to start building them a responsive website.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA

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