oops did'nt work tryed to show ya the capture message did'nt show on my last post
The Bigg Q , is here an forever!
Well, take your cap off and re-try. Or maybe it only works while wearing an Atlanta Braves cap, since CC is now in GA.

"Time heals everything. Know who said that? My Latin teacher at barber college!"
- Floyd Lawson
Widoktadwat - "Plays Well With Others"
- Floyd Lawson
Widoktadwat - "Plays Well With Others"
Love it, great addition to CC shopping cart. I bought the pro version.
Lowell Ziegler
not following you , my cap lock if thats wat yer referin to ,its not on
not following you , my cap lock if thats wat yer referin to ,its not on
The Bigg Q , is here an forever!
That was a poor attempt at humor. I was joking about wearing a (baseball) cap.
That was a poor attempt at humor. I was joking about wearing a (baseball) cap.
"Time heals everything. Know who said that? My Latin teacher at barber college!"
- Floyd Lawson
Widoktadwat - "Plays Well With Others"
- Floyd Lawson
Widoktadwat - "Plays Well With Others"
oh my bad scott i just seen that theres a new ver. of scc ooops:/
The Bigg Q , is here an forever!
Sorry Scoot, for jumping the gun on that early morning post. As soon as I did it, I thought, I probably shouldn't have been the one to post it. At least you, or someone caught it right away, and deleted it.
Anyway, I'm not ready for it at this point, but I went ahead and purchased the Pro version.
Thanks for all you guys do!!!
May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)
Anyway, I'm not ready for it at this point, but I went ahead and purchased the Pro version.
Thanks for all you guys do!!!
May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)
I have spent a frigging hour now trying to edit a damm template in the shopping cart pro software and find it to be a complete piece of crap product and not very friendly or intuitive at all. I have used Dreamweaver and Flash and have no problem figuring out what to do based on tutorials on the web but the tutorials provided by Coffee Cup suck big time. The tutorials all say to go to the properties pane to edit text and such but i try and try and cannot edit what is on the template to save my butt. Coffee Cup has definitely lost me as a customer with this product. Looking to buy a good shopping cart site program and this one sucks so far as far as i can tell. Have bought many programs from Coffee Cup too but not any more.
The designer is fairly intuitive, but I will admit I've played with it for many days now and have finally started to understand quite a bit more of it. What is it you're trying to do and maybe we can help you out. Sometimes it's not the program that has a problem, but us that don't understand the terms that are being used, which is definitely my case.
I can tell you for sure that the shopping cart doesn't suck and actually does quite well, but be sure you're using the right program for the right job also. Sometimes people have trouble because they are trying to change template stuff in the Cart Creator rather than the Designer.
Let us know what you're trying to do and I'm sure we can help you out, don't give up so easily after you get the hang of it you'll see that between the 2 programs they play pretty nice together
I can tell you for sure that the shopping cart doesn't suck and actually does quite well, but be sure you're using the right program for the right job also. Sometimes people have trouble because they are trying to change template stuff in the Cart Creator rather than the Designer.
Let us know what you're trying to do and I'm sure we can help you out, don't give up so easily after you get the hang of it you'll see that between the 2 programs they play pretty nice together

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