Scott Swedorski wrote:
Responsive Web Designer will be another Editor in our line up. Instead of using the Web Editor, you would use RWD to build your website. That program would be the one to bring it all together.
Will it possibly be a WYSIWYG AND with full HTML editing? I hope, I hope. I would also like the ability to switch back & forth between the WYSIWYG and HTML edit with the cursor being in the right place for each switch. Since Microsoft Expression Web is not continuing, this leaves a big gap without having to go with the expensive Adobe Dreamweaver. There is already a gap in the MAC Editors without having to also go Expensive. The only thing that has stopped me from using CC Web Editing is the lack of support for both WYSIWYG and Html. I would LOVE it if you combined the Site Editor AND HTML editor into the new product that you're working on. I think you would sell a LOT of software with this.
May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)