Foundation Framer v2.5 build 439...

User 2844004 Photo

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225 posts

There's a significant difference between an upgrade and an update. Having to pay for an update doesn't make it an upgrade. The update to Foundation 6.4.1 in it's core doesn't make it an upgrade. An upgrade means a significant step forward in the functionality of the application in functionality and possibilities. Keeping the (free) Foundation core up to date certainly does not include that. Adding additional (free) Google fonts does not include that. Adding new attributes to it's library doesn't include that. Foundation framer still is what it was before this so called upgrade.

I'm happy to pay any fee, which I repeatedly did; I bought a licence for each and every Coffeecup application for a reason. I'm happy to pay ... same goes for RED2 or any app. But the shrouded policy seems very, very strange to me. And there just doesn't seem to be any sound explanation for this 'Surprise, you'll have to pay again this time' policy. It's dead silent as soon as you drop this question. Is this so strange to ask?

– Richard
Living in Zevenbergen, the Netherlands
13" MacBook Air M1 + 2x LG 24" IPS QHD / 8GB RAM / 500GB SSD / macOS 14.3 Sonoma
User 166871 Photo

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For me the issue is my not understanding what was being asked. It would have been nice to receive a message in April that said " Here is an early release of a partial upgrade/update, which cost us $9 to produce which we need to recover/bill and 3 months later when we complete the update/upgrade we will need to recover/bill you an additional $19 which if you wait will cost $39 uprade/update charge"

Unfortunately, I did not get this message, nor do I think it was sent, in April. Instead I emailed Suzanne and received the particulars in July, after I had previously thought that $9 paid for the upgrade to 2.5 version only to find out more money was needed to fully upgrade. Messy communication strategy for sure but corrected by later information

Having said this, I upgraded based upon my belief that Coffee Cup is an honorable company that is customer centered and in my experience never let their customers down always giving them the lowest possible prices recognizing most of us are small independent concerns.

Just my opinion
Vista Tom

User 2844004 Photo

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225 posts

I agree totally ... there's no clarity at all. I've made clear every single time; I'm happy to pay (again) ... it's just great software, but it's never (made) clear why one release is a paid one, and the other isn't. There's no obvious difference between the releases like there was for RSD 1.5 > RSD 2 or RED 1 > RED 2 ... those were upgrades with noticeable differences which made clear why those were paid upgrades. But currently it's all blurry, and you'll have just have to trust Coffeecup. But I certainly would like to know what is an update, and what an upgrade (and why). And a clear statement at those releases via email won't hurt. A lot of didn't get those emails, so a 'resend all' would have covered it.

And even now, there's nothing but complete silence even though a statement on this forum would clarify everything. But no ... utter silence.

– Richard
Living in Zevenbergen, the Netherlands
13" MacBook Air M1 + 2x LG 24" IPS QHD / 8GB RAM / 500GB SSD / macOS 14.3 Sonoma
User 434929 Photo

938 posts

I have yet to receive any email regarding upgrade , but It seems it's end of FF for me despite liking it very much.
Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

Yea I probably will just use RSD from this point forward. You get the best of all worlds there.
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Steve Kolish

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User 434929 Photo

938 posts

Suzanne Norvell wrote:
The full upgrade cost is $39 from V1 to V2.5. Since you purchased the mini upgrade (for $9) in April you'll actually save $11. :)

Suzanne Whats the cost of upgrade from V2.1 to V2.5? for just a period of 3 month I have to pay $19, isn't too much and probably within few month I have to pay yet another upgrade? sorry your upgrade policy is not clear
Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.
User 2844004 Photo

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225 posts

Mansour ... wrote:
Sorry your upgrade policy is not clear

... in a nutshell.
Living in Zevenbergen, the Netherlands
13" MacBook Air M1 + 2x LG 24" IPS QHD / 8GB RAM / 500GB SSD / macOS 14.3 Sonoma
User 10077 Photo

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As for whether or not to use the software or abandon it, it's all based on what you need. In my case, I have some clients who want an RFF project, some that want RBB and some that want RSD. Therefore, I'll keep all three and keep them updated.

I understand your point about not understanding the upgrade policy. However, regardless of a few dollars here and there, the overall cost for any CC software is still way below Adobe, and the CC software produces top-rate code and reduces my programming time by hours if not days for some projects. They provide excellent support and respond quickly. For that, I'll give them a break if their update charging policy is not quite clear.
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User 2844004 Photo

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It's not even clear how to purchase that upgrade, all I can select is the full $99 version. Again, there's absolutely no communication at all!
Living in Zevenbergen, the Netherlands
13" MacBook Air M1 + 2x LG 24" IPS QHD / 8GB RAM / 500GB SSD / macOS 14.3 Sonoma
User 2719045 Photo

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It's not even clear how to purchase that upgrade, all I can select is the full $99 version. Again, there's absolutely no communication at all!

I went to 'Your Support Room' and submitted a support ticket entitled '439 upgrade not available in my downloads' and Suzanne replied with a personalised link for my download, complete with the appropriate discount applied for previous upgrades paid for.

Here's my five penny worth on whether it's an upgrade or update. In my opinion an update fixes issues with the current software (bugs etc) and an upgrade adds functionality. I do not believe that you should not have to pay for an upgrade if it fixes bugs in existing software; what you have paid for should be bug free and do exactly what it is meant to do. If you are happy with the software as it is and it does what you want it to then stick with the version you have got, if the added functionality gives you something beneficial then upgrade but be prepared to pay for it. Admittedly the upgrade includes elements which are technically 'free' but how else would you get them incorporated into the software without the work Coffee Cup have done?

We still use Microsoft Office 2007, it does exactly what we need it to do and I see no benefits from upgrading to more current versions.

We apply the same sort of principle to the 300+ websites we manage on behalf of our clients. If Google changes its algorithm for SEO and those changes are within the remit of the website we have built then we will update for free, if it is outside of this scope (e.g. going from a fixed width mobile to fully responsive) then we will offer the upgrade to our clients at a cost.



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