It's not even clear how to purchase that upgrade, all I can select is the full $99 version. Again, there's absolutely no communication at all!
I went to 'Your Support Room' and submitted a support ticket entitled '439 upgrade not available in my downloads' and Suzanne replied with a personalised link for my download, complete with the appropriate discount applied for previous upgrades paid for.
Here's my five penny worth on whether it's an upgrade or update. In my opinion an update fixes issues with the current software (bugs etc) and an upgrade adds functionality. I do not believe that you should not have to pay for an upgrade if it fixes bugs in existing software; what you have paid for should be bug free and do exactly what it is meant to do. If you are happy with the software as it is and it does what you want it to then stick with the version you have got, if the added functionality gives you something beneficial then upgrade but be prepared to pay for it. Admittedly the upgrade includes elements which are technically 'free' but how else would you get them incorporated into the software without the work Coffee Cup have done?
We still use Microsoft Office 2007, it does exactly what we need it to do and I see no benefits from upgrading to more current versions.
We apply the same sort of principle to the 300+ websites we manage on behalf of our clients. If Google changes its algorithm for SEO and those changes are within the remit of the website we have built then we will update for free, if it is outside of this scope (e.g. going from a fixed width mobile to fully responsive) then we will offer the upgrade to our clients at a cost.