Foundation Framer Change Logs - Post...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hey everyone! We have a fresh new update for Foundation Framer v2.1 build 395 and it is now available for download!

In this update:
  • Reconfigured the Video Element to allow Youtube parameters to be preserved.

Be sure to swing by your account to get this free upgrade. And please don’t be shy to tell us how you feel about it on social media. We’d love to hear it!

If you have not tried out Foundation Framer, you can download a free 21-Day trial at
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hey everyone! We have a hot fresh update for Foundation Framer v2.1 build 398 and it is now available for download!

In this update:
  • Added over 20 new Foundation Components including buttons, cards and videos.
  • Implemented some back-end adjustments that recalibrate how styles are loaded for projects on start up.
  • Other miscellaneous power boosts and enhancements to make RSD even faster!

Be sure to swing by your account to get this free upgrade. And please don’t be shy to tell us how you feel about it on social media. We’d love to hear it!

If you have not tried out Foundation Framer, you can download a free 21-Day trial at
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hey everyone! We have a slick update for Foundation Framer v2.1 build 402 and it is now available for download!

In this update:
  • Implemented some back-end adjustments that addresses Google fonts that have been renamed.
  • Other miscellaneous power boosts and enhancements.

Be sure to swing by your account to get this free upgrade. And please don’t be shy to tell us how you feel about it on social media. We’d love to hear it!

If you have not tried out Foundation Framer, you can download a free 21-Day trial at

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Hey everyone! The massive Foundation Framer v2.5 build 439 upgrade is here! And boy is it a doozy. Here’s a taste of what it contains:
  • In-view scrolling effects are here! This allows you to set trigger animations and effects that play as content scrolls visibly into view. Set the ‘Out of View’ styles under the “states” selector dropdown and apply your in-view styles to the regular state.
  • Blend mode allows you to layer together images & colors to create unique imagery.
  • Use visual CSS controls to apply Instagram-like filters to images. Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, sepia, hue-rotate, and more.
  • Increased the max-character count for links. Pop-in your super long links!
  • Framework updated to the newest Foundation 6.4.1 - Awesome!
  • Reconfigured the backend save method when a Symbol is updated.
  • Support for 52 new fonts for Eastern European Languages (see list below)
  • Tweaked the rendering for Google font variations.
  • Works faster than ever as it now utilizes Chromium based engine.
  • We paused the auto-save feature so that you won’t be disturbed while in Text Editor mode.
  • Other miscellaneous power boosts and enhancements.

Make your images explode off the screen with Filter and Blend Mode

This version also includes new and updated components in the V2.5 Components Library:
    Animations & Transitions
  • Appearing icons
  • Contra scroll
  • Grey away
  • Grow color
  • Moving background
  • Section Divider and Header

    Background videos
  • Embed anywhere
  • Hero Background Video - Bare
  • Hero Background Video
  • The Explainer

    Blends and filters
  • Duo Tone Blue and Red
  • Duo Tone Blue
  • Duo Tone Clear
  • Duo Tone Gold and Green
  • Duo Tone Green Blue
  • Duo Tone Light Blue and Red
  • Duo Tone Light Blue
  • Duo Tone Old Brown and Red
  • Duo Tone Orange and Blue
  • Duo Tone Orange and Yellow
  • Duo Tone Pink and Purple
  • Duo Tone Purple with Green Gradient
  • Duo Tone Red Blue
  • Duo Tone Silhouette
  • Duo Tone Yellow Blue
  • Duo Tone Yellow Pink Gradient
  • Duo Tone Yellow and Red
  • Duo Tone Yellow with Green
  • Earlybird
  • Hero Mash
  • Inkwell
  • Nashville
  • See Thru
  • X-pro II

  • Button with notification badge

  • Expandable feature card
  • News Magazine
  • Tabbed Card

  • Dropbox
  • Cloud
  • Google Drive

  • Contact Section Footer
  • Newsletter Subscription
  • Polls
  • Simple Subscription

  • Circular Pagination
  • List Group
  • Pagination with rounded buttons
  • Top bar with animation

  • Orbit

  • Article Quote
  • Classy Quote
  • Hover Quote
  • Simple Quote

  • Facebook
  • Github
  • Google Plus
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest Block
  • Sticky Social Bar
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • Youtube

Fonts, Fonts, Baby!
  • AmaticaSC
  • Amiko
  • ArefRuqaa
  • ArimaMadurai
  • Assistant
  • Athiti
  • Atma
  • Bellefair
  • BioRhyme
  • BioRhymeExpanded
  • Bungee
  • BungeeHairline
  • BungeeInline
  • BungeeOutline
  • BungeeShade
  • Cairo
  • Chathura
  • Coiny
  • ElMessiri
  • FrankRuhlLibre
  • Harmattan
  • Heebo
  • Jomhuria
  • Katibeh
  • KumarOne
  • Lalezar
  • Lemonada
  • Mada
  • Maitree
  • MeeraInimai
  • Mirza
  • Mitr
  • Mogra
  • Padauk
  • Pattaya
  • Pavanam
  • Pridi
  • Prompt
  • ProzaLibre
  • Rakkas
  • Rasa
  • ReemKufi
  • ScopeOne
  • SecularOne
  • Shrikhand
  • SpaceMono
  • SuezOne
  • Taviraj
  • Trirong
  • YatraOne
  • Yrsa
  • ZillaSlab

Upgrade emails have been sent out to everyone. If you have not received the newsletter, please don’t hesitate to reach out and we’ll give you the secret code. :)

If you have not tried out Foundation Framer, you can download a free 21-Day trial at
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 2878017 Photo

Customer Service Rep
23 posts

Hi everyone!

The latest and greatest Foundation Framer v2.5 build 480 update is here! There’s quite a few things that are being covered, so let’s go ahead and get started.

Some cool additions:

- You can now use your keyboard arrows on the Inspector to quickly select and collapse different elements. Yay convenience!
- Optimized the display on Windows HiDPI, so all looks crispy and clear.
- Make your site even more interesting with Favicons!
- Specify the language of your file to the HTML element
- New position control: A big welcome to the Sticky property!
- New transform control: Perspective, along with updated rotate and translate controls.
- New navigation component: Add a responsive nested menu to your site!

Important fixes:

- You can now move an element with ID inside Symbols on different pages without having to be confronted with an ugly Warning message.
- Fixed a bug where Multiple Background Components couldn’t be expanded
- Solved the issue where Rows couldn’t be pasted when the Grid was selected.
- Enhanced the Undo/Redo shortcuts.
- Button components and elements broken no more!
- Navigation Menu arrows match the color of the font.
- The orange Symbols circle will remain intact without disappearing, even if you switch between pages.
- Best for last, updated the Picture element so your images will now be indexed in search! A huge thanks to our community for helping us crack this case :D

All of this, plus a bunch of miscellaneous stuff made to enhance the quality for the user :) Don’t hesitate- try out Foundation Framer for 21 days at

Have a wonderful weekend!
User 2878017 Photo

Customer Service Rep
23 posts

Hey everyone!

We have just released another update for Foundation Framer v2.5 with Build 486. Below you will find an overview of what this update offers.
  • In case any of you came across faulty installs that ended with a message about your redistributables, we have updated the registry checks and got that fixed. There were also a few cases in which antivirus apps were causing downloads to be interrupted, so we hit two birds with one stone!
  • Your projects will now automatically save during export. This way, what you saved matches exactly the project that you are uploading.
  • For Windows folks, the program will now open as maximized, fullscreen, as long as that was the previous state it was closed in.
  • Added a modified version of the Black Forest theme, this one makes use of the newest sticky position control!
  • Updated components resolving any broken images.
  • Beefed up the backend to keep any footer markup added remaining in its proper place.

  • [*] You now have the ability to enable/disable the autosave function. Plus you can customize the timeframe for when the autosave will take effect! More power to ya!

    All of this, along with some internal performance updates to better your experience have been included..

    Head on over to to download this free update, and let us know what you think!
    User 2878017 Photo

    Customer Service Rep
    23 posts

    Hi everyone! Foundation Framer v2.5 build 493 is now available for download. Here’s what you will find in the latest release:

    • We’ve replaced all placeholder image URL’s with https.
    • Stabilized the app even further to prevent any random crashes, particularly when opening a project from the Theme Chooser.
    • On occasions, a console error appeared when duplicating pages with symbols on mid-size projects. This has been fixed!
    • Consecutively renaming duplicated pages cleared out the head/footer content in the new page. The same info now remains.

    Head on over to to download this free update, and as always keep on letting us know what you think!
    User 2878017 Photo

    Customer Service Rep
    23 posts

    Foundation Framer v2.5 build 495 is now available for download. Here’s what you will find in the latest release:

    • From time to time the Delete Key function would not be triggered during Text Edit Mode, this is no longer the case!
    • Fixed occasions where an exception would occur whenever a component was added to a canvas that already contained one.

    Head on over to to download this free update, and as always keep on letting us know what you think!
    User 2878017 Photo

    Customer Service Rep
    23 posts

    Foundation Framer v2.5 build 497 is now available for download. Here’s what you will find in the latest release:

    • Added some extra logic in the code to prevent the Delete Key from refusing to do its job.
    • Updated the Black Forest Sticky theme to remove a third party script.

    Head on over to to download this free update, and as always keep on letting us know what you think!
    User 2878017 Photo

    Customer Service Rep
    23 posts

    Happy New Year friends! We just released a small update for Foundation Framer v2.5 in build 500. In this update: 

    • Like every other MacOS program, you can now use the backspace key as another way to delete elements!
    • Projects that contained a styled address element would stay stuck on the loading screen. After some tinkering all projects should now load normally. 

    Head on over to to download this free update, and as always keep on letting us know what you think!

    Have something to add? We’d love to hear it!
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