Suggestions for Bootstrap Builder -...

User 2805945 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Bob Visser wrote:
Mike wrote:
I would like the export to be proper xml. At least the meta and img tags are not properly closed. They should be closed with />. I want to use this as the base for a page that will be processed by a templating engine such as thymeleaf.

Hey Mike, not sure what you mean... Bootstrap Builder is generating clean and proper code. The meta tag and img tag (inside the picture element) follow the specifications as you can see here and here.

He means XHTML - i.e. the code generated is proper XML.
For XHTML single components should end with a />
E.g. <br> is HTML, whereas <br /> is XHTML - which is what we all use these days :)
User 232214 Photo

827 posts

Timothy Carden wrote:

E.g. <br> is HTML, whereas <br /> is XHTML - which is what we all use these days :)

I think I will have to disagree here...the switch to HTML5 (from xhtml) was made a while ago when all browsers started supporting it. HTML5 fixes issues xhtml still had (where xhtml was made to fix HTML4 shortcomings).

All modern and popular front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation use HTML5 (and as far as I am aware, they have been doing so for years). Sorry...:P
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User 232214 Photo

827 posts

Timothy Carden wrote:
are the standard Bootstrap elements there somewhere.

Right now they are located in the 'Blank with components' theme. We are working on a better workflow for this.
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User 2662823 Photo

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7 posts

First of all, I realise this is a more widespread request than just BB but...

It would be nice to include a proper import / export method for all your apps.

At the moment, we are left with a menu created in one app with it's own CSS, breakpoints, the same for the slider and others for the site. I know all of this is relatively easy to overcome but it could be so much better if it could be centrally controlled and one set breakpoints, font/s sizes etc.

It would be nice to at least be able to import the menu builder or slider file into BB, FF or RSD.

I for one would welcome a 'control' app that you could create a project in. If you have purchased the requisite plugins (apps) you could then create the whole project with in this application. A lot of your most recent apps almost seem to be re-hashes of your other apps but using a different framework. RLM, RSD, FF and BB are all pretty much the same. I would have thought these could have been add-in modules for RSD rather than separate apps.

Please don't get me wrong, I think your apps are some of the best I have worked with and are very competitively priced but as a group, they don't work together as well as they could.

Control app example..
  • Create new site project (define folders etc to include)
  • Choose framework (bootstrap for example)
  • Create main menu (Opens Menu Builder plugin)
  • Position menu in site frame work (drag and drop)
  • Create Slider (Opens Responsive Content Slider plugin)
  • Position slider in Site framework
  • Amend menu or slider with new links and colour scheme
  • click update and all the pages in the site project are updated.
  • etc etc.

That way changes would be a lot easier to manage.
User 303390 Photo

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97 posts

An early Christmas present by completing the component section would give me much joy for the holiday season.
User 2846109 Photo

341 posts

It would be great to have the option to select a file from the resource area to be the destination for a link.

For example: if we have a PDF file that we will be linking on a site rather than having to type out the path "/images/pdfs/instructions.pdf" in the href area we would be able to select a file in a similar fashion to selecting a file for a background image. This would enter in the correct path for us automatically. (built with Bootstrap Builder)
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User 2846109 Photo

341 posts

Can we increase the character limit for the href input field? I think it's at 150 now but having more would be useful especially if we are using a mailto: command with subject and body copy inserted. (built with Bootstrap Builder)
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User 303390 Photo

Registered User
97 posts

Hoping Scott can put an update to the Bootstrap Builder Log v2.0 Build 89
I can see that many components were added (hoping for more this December as a Christmas gift to us)
Not sure of all the other updates and so hope he gives his usual detailed listing.

Components that would be nice to add next:
1. breadcrumb
2. carousel
3. collapse (accordion)
4. modal
5. responsive embeds (Bootstrap 4)
6. responsive floats (Bootstrap 4)

User 2846109 Photo

341 posts

It would be great to be able to add new components to existing RBB project files as they get released in new version builds.

I know RBB is still in beta but hopefully we will continue to get new components added along the way and I think it's pretty important to be able to add these new components to projects that we've previously started. (built with Bootstrap Builder)
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User 122279 Photo

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14,518 posts

Is it possible to export/import components? If not, it would be a great addition to both RBB and RFF. We could create a thread here where people could share their own components with other users.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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