Layout Maker pro Menu icon link -...

User 461879 Photo

Registered User
82 posts

Hello everyone. Hoping someone can help.
I have used a template creating one of my sites. While adjusting and changing the template I saw that when I used the slider to see what the site looks like smaller and on smaller devices, the three text link menu the site has dissapeared and turned into the menu icon link.

It was not working and I just asked for help on support. They mentioned the forums were the pplace to get this kind of help but was nice enough to tell me what to do.

Unfortunately it did not work so I am looking for some assistance.

Here is the menu icon code:

<a class="link-text nav-item-MENU" href="#"><span class="text-link-text-1">MENU</span>

They told me to take the # out of the " href="#" section and replace it with index.html

I have done this but it is still not working. If anyone wants to see the site online it is

Thanks in advance
User 461879 Photo

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82 posts

User 379556 Photo

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I think the three items disappeared because they were set to 'display: none' at narrower widths by line 514 of the main.css file. Adjusting or removing that line shows the three items at the narrower widths, but they will probably need positioning appropriately - or perhaps doing again.

There seems to be a duplicate index.html file, the duplicate being under the name of index-2.html, and the MENU link seems to point to that duplicate file. That may be deliberate, or perhaps just a left-over from experiments while trying to resolve the problem.

User 461879 Photo

Registered User
82 posts

Hi, thanks for the reply. I am real new to this type of web design and this program so I am not sure exactly what you mean on the set to none part of the main.css file. Do you mean set to none in the layout maker pro program or in the file. I have no idea how to view or edit a css file. I have been doing 15 years of all my different site designs on frontpage unfortunately. What can I use to edit a css file?

As far as the duplicate, I am not seeing that. Logging in to my host through ftp I see one index file and none named

This is the line of code :

<a class="link-text nav-item-MENU" href="index.html"><span class="text-link-text-1">MENU</span>
User 461879 Photo

Registered User
82 posts

I just opened the css file in my ftp and edit so I see that now and guess I can remove the line but I actually wanted the menu icon to work if possible. Support told me just replace # with index.html but that just refreshes index page basically.

Not sure where you are seeing the duplicate index-2.html file
User 461879 Photo

Registered User
82 posts

Thanks, figured out the css file edit but would rather have the menu icon link work
User 379556 Photo

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1,551 posts

I think that the index-2.html file may have been a creation by the website downloader program I use. It would have expected a link to an html file to be to another file, and so created one. If that is the case, I am sorry to have created a red herring. If one wants a link to another part of the same file, one creates an ID for that part of the file. For example, if that ID were 'location', the link would be to #location.

The code in the line mentioned in the first post has changed. At present it reads
<a class="link-text nav-item-MENU" href="index.html"><span class="text-link-text-1">MENU</span>

It is working in the sense that it takes one to the file specified, but the file specified is the one already displayed, and so no change is seen - in other words it just refreshes the index page in the same way as mentioned in the last-but-one post above.

I am not sure exactly what is wanted to happen, but I suspect that the wish was for a drop-down menu, i.e.
(a) the three link words normally to be hidden at the narrower widths, and just the word MENU to appear;
(b) the three link words to appear when one clicked on the word MENU.
I suspect that achieving the above purely in HTML without a fair amount of coding knowledge may not be possible. One could experiment with the trial edition of CoffeeCup Menu Builder for such an effect.

User 461879 Photo

Registered User
82 posts

Appreciate it. Yes I was hoping since the template included the menu icon option it would be possible. I will just have to remove that line of code in the css file as you suggested and have the three links.


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