Web Form Builder just got better! -...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hey Form Builders!

We hope you're enjoying the ride thus far. It’s getting a heck of a lot more exciting already.

We have been scouring the forums, emails, and any other channel you used to supply us with your highly appreciated feedback. We compiled a list of all the submitted issues and suggestions and went straight to work. We know you’re going to absolutely love all the enhancements we’ve made.

So what cool stuff has been added to Web Form Builder so far? Here’s an overview:
  • New option to set the item width for each element
  • New options to control padding for the top, bottom, left and right of each element
  • A new “Spacer” Magical Element (oh, the possibilities..)
  • New option to change the font color of each label
  • New option to change the font style of each label (bold/italic)
  • New option to change the font color of the “Friendly Hint"
  • New calendar date formats included
  • Enhanced theme browser allowing themes to instantly appear
  • In the S-Drive Dashboard, form result time/date stamps are now in your local time zone
  • Saved forms are now associated with Web Form Builder so that you can simply double-click a saved file for it to open
  • New "required" option for drop-down lists
  • Fixed an issue with BCC email option
  • Fixed markup in the auto-response message
  • Fixed issue with special characters not appearing in confirm messages
  • Issue with error messages not being preserved when re-opening your form. This can only apply to newly created forms. Sorry!
  • Fixed issue with Internet Explorer prohibiting the form from submitting under certain conditions
  • Fixed issue with left label position and email confirm boxes not lining up correctly
  • Fixed issue with code copied to the clipboard being cleared after program closes
  • Fixed issue with Non-English character sets in the Subject and Body fields. That was for you Søren ;)
  • Fixed issue when copy and pasting HEX code in color picker
  • Fixed submission issues with Internet Explorer
  • Fixed markup issue when using the Automated Form Processing

We’ve got our hands full with the features we’ve got planned on our road map. Here are just a few things that you will see really soon:
  • Edit and change theme background images
  • Add a logo element
  • Add images to the form
  • Templates for various form types

And here are some things that are on the roadmap but are still a bit further away:
  • More Magical elements
  • Contact lists
  • Multi-page forms
  • Payment integration
  • Some super cool features that we’re keeping secret for now!

Two more things: First, the features added to the software are influenced directly by customer feedback, so keep that coming! Secondly, please share the love! The more people that become Form Builders, the faster we can grant your wishes and desires.

If you’re ready to explore further into what this software can do, visit the links below. And don’t forget to tell us how you feel about!

Don't Miss the HTML and CSS Support in the Email Notifications:
http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/form-bu … fications/

Flash Version Email Issues are Now Resolved with the HTML Version:
http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/form-bu … l-version/

What do You Think of Your Form Builder Metrics?
http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/form-bu … r-metrics/

Working with Upload File Buttons on S-Drive:
http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/form-bu … n-s-drive/

New Confirm Options Give You More Flexibility:
http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/form-bu … exibility/

The New Web Form Builder is Here (archived)!
http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/form-bu … r-is-here/

So with that, we hope you enjoy these enhancements. To download this update, please go to My Products from within your account. Once the software list appears, click the "download" button next Web Form Builder Lite (1.0 build 2730).


P.S. Now may be a good time to read through some of these FAQ’s before you post a question that is already covered here. ;)

Why do form elements look different in certain browsers?
http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … n-browsers

Understanding reCAPTCHA:
http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … m-builder/

Can I migrate content from the Classic version to the new Web Form Builder?
http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … m-builder/

What is the differences between the Classic and New Web Form Builder?
http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … m-builder/

How to setup SMTP authentication for PHP:
http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … n-for-php/

What email address does Web Form Builder use?
http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … ilder-use/

How to add your form to Visual Site Designer:
http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … d-website/
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 452266 Photo

Registered User
267 posts

Wow, the Payment Integration looks promising.
Especially if you could make it where you could Event Register and select a couple of adults at $10 each, child at 5.00 each, family at 30, and select some different size t-shirts. Then pay for it all. Like Shopping cart creator with the added benefit of the stuff in Form Builder.
Now, that would be a piece of software that is very hard to find. Plenty of online event registration sites that charge a ticket price PLUS percentage, plus Paypal fees. Not hardly anything available is software. You should be able to make a killing on this. This way, we could purchase the application from CoffeeCup and then pay only the Paypal fees.

May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)
User 119959 Photo

Registered User
44 posts

Have to say the new Form Builder is a major improvement from previous. I tried to integrate it with blog (Wordpress) and have to say it works like magic. I hope and beieve that all the Coffeecup Software will get a major "make over" and end up being so simple to integrate. Even willing to pay for the new ones even if I own them already. :rolleyes:
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes."
User 177533 Photo

Registered User
62 posts

Paisley wrote:
Even willing to pay for the new ones even if I own them already. :rolleyes:

Shhhhhh don't say that.
User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

Paisley wrote:
Have to say the new Form Builder is a major improvement from previous. I tried to integrate it with blog (Wordpress) and have to say it works like magic. I hope and beieve that all the Coffeecup Software will get a major "make over" and end up being so simple to integrate. Even willing to pay for the new ones even if I own them already. :rolleyes:

Please can I see your WP page with form, I'm interested in WP integration.

User 390677 Photo

Registered User
23 posts

New version looks so much better than the previous one. I have one request however. I need to input about 200 names into a drop down list and there is no way now to do this in bulk. It is way too tedious to enter all those name individually. Is there a way to create my own predefined options selector list?
This would be a major improvement for everyone who needs a lot of options in any type of drop down list.
Thanks. Keep up the good work.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Meik Bartoschek wrote:
New version looks so much better than the previous one. I have one request however. I need to input about 200 names into a drop down list and there is no way now to do this in bulk. It is way too tedious to enter all those name individually. Is there a way to create my own predefined options selector list?
This would be a major improvement for everyone who needs a lot of options in any type of drop down list.
Thanks. Keep up the good work.

There is no UI for this yet, but just go to C:\Program Files\CoffeeCup Software\Web Form Builder Lite\library\option-lists and you can create your own lists.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 390677 Photo

Registered User
23 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:
Meik Bartoschek wrote:
New version looks so much better than the previous one. I have one request however. I need to input about 200 names into a drop down list and there is no way now to do this in bulk. It is way too tedious to enter all those name individually. Is there a way to create my own predefined options selector list?
This would be a major improvement for everyone who needs a lot of options in any type of drop down list.
Thanks. Keep up the good work.

There is no UI for this yet, but just go to C:\Program Files\CoffeeCup Software\Web Form Builder Lite\library\option-lists and you can create your own lists.

AWESOME! No UI needed. That's works fine for me. Great. Thanks for the quick reply.
User 452266 Photo

Registered User
267 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:

There is no UI for this yet, but just go to C:\Program Files\CoffeeCup Software\Web Form Builder Lite\library\option-lists and you can create your own lists.

I did notice a strange problem that I had. I had created a list like this of 2 letter State abbreviations, and named it US-State abbrev.txt I added the list to a drop down box, published it, and never could get the form in S-Drive to show me the State that was input. I couldn't figure this out for a long time, then found that the Name of your file must NOT have any spaces in it. You can only have hyphens in place of spaces. My problem in my file was the space between State and abbrev. When I renamed the file to US-State-abbrev.txt it worked.

May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)
User 410192 Photo

Registered User
21 posts

Can we not have the option to have the 'old' Captcha as well as the reCaptcha. I don't like the look of the reCaptcha or the fact that it relies on a third party.


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