Another thing that would be nice within the program would be a color setting for the Placeholder text. I can do it manually, but I think it would be nice to not have to keep changing it back, and it would definitely make it easier for those that aren't wanting to delve too deep into the code.
One thing I did notice is that it puts a lot of space at the top of the form which I guess is margin, but I had to set it to a negative amount to actually get it to take out a lot of space, it was like 50+px that had to be adjusted so I had to set it to a -50px to fix it or it was quite a ways down the page after the paragraph introducing the form. Not sure if it's supposed to be that way, but seems pretty far down the page as a default.
One thing I did notice is that it puts a lot of space at the top of the form which I guess is margin, but I had to set it to a negative amount to actually get it to take out a lot of space, it was like 50+px that had to be adjusted so I had to set it to a -50px to fix it or it was quite a ways down the page after the paragraph introducing the form. Not sure if it's supposed to be that way, but seems pretty far down the page as a default.
See you'll be sorry I got my hands dirty in this program lol. Here's another thing that would be nice:
I have my form all nice and designed how I want it. I've had to edit a couple places in the files to accommodate the space at the top and to adjust the color for the Placeholder text. Now I have it all saved and safe and warm in it's nice little cozy folder... BUT...
Now I am testing the form to make sure it's doing what I want and I see some changes I want to make to the results page which I have customized to my liking. The problem here as I'm sure many have guessed already is that it's going to overwrite the CSS again and I have to go back and rechange it again and again until I have these custom pages done.
Would really be nice if there were a way to do the settings for the custom pages and have it save them and be able to export just that without affecting any files that are not connected to the results and reply pages etc. This means CSS files etc. And then to have it tell you exactly what files to upload for just those changes.
I know it's probably asking a lot, but I'm sure I won't be the first or the last to design my form and then fix up the results and reply pages etc. and have to redo my CSS for each fine tune I make to those pages. I know it's not a lot to change, but it would really be helpful if I didn't have to and once again it would be something very helpful to the non-coders too
I have my form all nice and designed how I want it. I've had to edit a couple places in the files to accommodate the space at the top and to adjust the color for the Placeholder text. Now I have it all saved and safe and warm in it's nice little cozy folder... BUT...
Now I am testing the form to make sure it's doing what I want and I see some changes I want to make to the results page which I have customized to my liking. The problem here as I'm sure many have guessed already is that it's going to overwrite the CSS again and I have to go back and rechange it again and again until I have these custom pages done.
Would really be nice if there were a way to do the settings for the custom pages and have it save them and be able to export just that without affecting any files that are not connected to the results and reply pages etc. This means CSS files etc. And then to have it tell you exactly what files to upload for just those changes.
I know it's probably asking a lot, but I'm sure I won't be the first or the last to design my form and then fix up the results and reply pages etc. and have to redo my CSS for each fine tune I make to those pages. I know it's not a lot to change, but it would really be helpful if I didn't have to and once again it would be something very helpful to the non-coders too

I am always using the output of WFB to use the data in some way. For most of the pages I use VSD but when a page has to display data or perform some manipulation with a visual output then it needs to show php values.
The html box handles things like display input boxes and text areas etc, but to add the logic requires two things.
1. Be able to add the php script to the top of the page
2. Be able to change the extension of the page to php
I realise this would only cater for a few people at the moment but advertising the potential it would give plus supply of script templates could be a revenue booster. You may even be able to sell your expertise in script development of projects for people to extend WFB for their unique purpose. WFB is a beginning of a system, supply or offer the end game.
The html box handles things like display input boxes and text areas etc, but to add the logic requires two things.
1. Be able to add the php script to the top of the page
2. Be able to change the extension of the page to php
I realise this would only cater for a few people at the moment but advertising the potential it would give plus supply of script templates could be a revenue booster. You may even be able to sell your expertise in script development of projects for people to extend WFB for their unique purpose. WFB is a beginning of a system, supply or offer the end game.
The Guy from OZ
Tom wrote:
I see lots of discussions about Item Width, but what about Form Width? If the maximum Form width is 960 pixels, I must ask why? I would like it to be able to go to 95% of the available page/screen space with the Item Width as pixels also.
Plus I would like to see it in phpNuke webpage instead of it being displayed as a new page. Granted, it will go back to my phpNuke home page, but I would rather be able to incorporate it as a "module" of phpNuke.
I see lots of discussions about Item Width, but what about Form Width? If the maximum Form width is 960 pixels, I must ask why? I would like it to be able to go to 95% of the available page/screen space with the Item Width as pixels also.
Plus I would like to see it in phpNuke webpage instead of it being displayed as a new page. Granted, it will go back to my phpNuke home page, but I would rather be able to incorporate it as a "module" of phpNuke.
Just a suggestion on this: On a widescreen monitor with resolution at 1920x1080 (the norm nowadays), this would be very awkward for the user to follow. Either items would be spread out too far, or the reader would have to literally move their head left to right to follow along. Its the same with websites that are set to 95-100% that contain a lot of text. On a widescreen monitor, it is hard to follow along especially when going from the end of one line (on the right) all the way over to the new line (on the left).
David Czaya wrote:
I'm not sure if this has ever been brought up, but when validating fields (in particular, phone numbers), is there a possibility we could get elements to actually reformat (and validate) rather than just validate?
As it stands, if a sender enters 7275551234, it errors because it's expecting 727-555-1234. It seems a simple matter to simply and courteously reformat the number correctly for the sender.
Thank you.
I'm not sure if this has ever been brought up, but when validating fields (in particular, phone numbers), is there a possibility we could get elements to actually reformat (and validate) rather than just validate?
As it stands, if a sender enters 7275551234, it errors because it's expecting 727-555-1234. It seems a simple matter to simply and courteously reformat the number correctly for the sender.
Thank you.
I agree with that. It's frustrating not knowing the correct format to enter the numbers, I've tried "1235551212", "(123) 555-1212", "123 555-1212" - none will validate, then I get ticked off and usually leave the site...

Troy Way wrote:
I agree with that. It's frustrating not knowing the correct format to enter the numbers, I've tried "1235551212", "(123) 555-1212", "123 555-1212" - none will validate, then I get ticked off and usually leave the site...
David Czaya wrote:
I'm not sure if this has ever been brought up, but when validating fields (in particular, phone numbers), is there a possibility we could get elements to actually reformat (and validate) rather than just validate?
As it stands, if a sender enters 7275551234, it errors because it's expecting 727-555-1234. It seems a simple matter to simply and courteously reformat the number correctly for the sender.
Thank you.
I'm not sure if this has ever been brought up, but when validating fields (in particular, phone numbers), is there a possibility we could get elements to actually reformat (and validate) rather than just validate?
As it stands, if a sender enters 7275551234, it errors because it's expecting 727-555-1234. It seems a simple matter to simply and courteously reformat the number correctly for the sender.
Thank you.
I agree with that. It's frustrating not knowing the correct format to enter the numbers, I've tried "1235551212", "(123) 555-1212", "123 555-1212" - none will validate, then I get ticked off and usually leave the site...

Use a Regular Expression Element and you can make this work in any way you like.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Scott Swedorski wrote:
Use a Regular Expression Element and you can make this work in any way you like.
Use a Regular Expression Element and you can make this work in any way you like.
Excellent, thanks! The 'regular expression' element is new to me so I'll have to play around with that. Thanks for the suggestion.
Hi, the contact list option on the dropdown listbox is really a nice feature but can you do the same also on the radio button? It would be really great if it can do that too.
Hi Scott in the program you have a set list for US States in the drop down box options, some other major countries would be good indeed *cough*Australia*cough**cough*... Also, im not sure if it can be done already as i am still learning it, but if you select Australia or US as your country it will only show Australia or US States in the State drop down box...
Also, i was just thinking when exporting files, i think this could be optimized, into fewer files for better control... I tend to find that i can put most of them together to do the same thing...
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