Do you have a day job?

User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

I was getting ready to go in to work and started wondering how many other folks are in my boat. I have to maintain a day job because my web design/marketing skills are not strong enough to provide me with a steady income. I currently work on as a recovery specialist at on a acute psychiatric unit(3 years)and sometimes carry a part time job at a local coffeehouse. So what is your day job?

Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

User 37670 Photo

Registered User
2,138 posts

My catch phrase states that I make a living building websites. Well, that's true. It really is my "day job". I have been working full time for the past 4 years developing specialized websites for a company in Canada. The demand for my "work" has grown to a National level and the website is in the process of growing about 7 times bigger than it already is. I am the only webmaster/designer on the project. I edit every image, build every page, create every flash animation and write every php script and finally build and maintain the database, all from my living room.
A web designer's dream job.
The downside? I work alone; miss having co-workers and/or customers to service on a daily basis (but I get along quite well with myself, so I can live with it). :D
E-Learning Specialist is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts

I have a day job. I work for a University as the phone/cable/network_wire man. If they need phones, cable TV, or network access to a specific location, I am the one that pulls the wires and terminates them. When classes are in session, we have student employees that work for us, and there are a few that I like to have with me. They help carry tools, and put a little weight on the ladder to keep me safe.

I like the folks I work with, and the faculty are great folks. The travel to and from work is less than 10 miles round trip, so I have a short trip to and from home.
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

I spank rich old ladies for profit during the day. :D
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 2733 Photo

426 posts

I used to spank rich old ladies during the day until Tom moved into the neighborhood. *sniff* :(
Let's not get all hurt.
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts


If you had provided better customer support and quality to your spanking efforts, Tom couldn't take you business.

Everyone else,

If you feel like sharing your day job, feel free to post.

Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

User 597929 Photo

Registered User
1,332 posts

I'm a software engineer with a big defense contractor (you'd recognize the name if you heard it). I've never tried to make a living as a web designer, but I did try to use the web to help market myself as a 3D modeler and graphic artist after I retired from the military. Never made enough to be worth the level of effort so, after a couple of lean years, I got my current "real" job. I'm still not ever planning to "go pro" at web design, but I am interested in learning more about it and am using my old studio's site as my hobby horse.
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa

Visit Spinland Studios:
User 239547 Photo

Registered User
28 posts

I am a one-man IT department for a manufacturing company. Created my first website several years ago for my custom candy wrapper side business and eventually expanded it to a full line of wedding supplies. I kinda lost interest in that whole project and have done a couple sites since hoping to one day stumble upon my "work-from-home" opportunity.

My current project is creating a hunting website for some guys with pretty lofty goals
User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

Bill, I wish you were around. I love networking, but I hate running cables.
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


Just because I pull wires for a living doesn't mean I like it. Sticking my head above suspended ceilings that have not been opened by anyone other than me and finding 40 years of dust is not something I look forward to doing.

Of course, having these skills is why I have 6 network jacks at the desk my wife uses. Two computers (with kvm switch), printer, wireless access point, two ports for when my kids bring their laptops and want something faster than wireless G.

Maybe I will clean up the wires at the data ports and take a photo of all the connections I have in this small house. :)

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