What does the red/orange dot mean

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This is site designer CCSD_red_dot.png
Artist At Heart
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The orange dot next to an element signifies that it acts as a symbol — updates to a symbol will trigger down to all instances of the symbol element group.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 556652 Photo

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Eric Rohloff wrote:
The orange dot next to an element signifies that it acts as a symbol — updates to a symbol will trigger down to all instances of the symbol element group.

Thanks Eric....I should have known that.

I have a second question if you have the time. Can you hide a container and then make it unhide when you want it to?
Artist At Heart
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How do you mean 'hide'? Is it to hide something from view in a browser, or do you mean hiding it from the element tree ( like commenting it out in the Editor)?
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 2699991 Photo

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Sorry to butt in, (a bit boring here at the moment)

What I normally do is: before the breakpoint where I want to hide it
1/give the element (whatever that is) an additional class name of "hiddenbyme" this ensures that if there are other elements on different pages or even the same page, then they will not be effected.

2a/ go to the styles pane ---- 'down to layout -- display --- open the dropdowm "more" select = none
you get a popup message so ok to that.
This way takes the element completely out of the canvas,(browser DOM) such that the space that the element occupied is also removed (therefore any other elements take up that space if possible)
2b/ AFTER the breakpoint open the dropdown (unless still open) and select 'block' or "inline" or "flex/grid" whichever one it was before you set it to 'none'
2c/ go to styles pane ----- 'visibility select 'hidden"
you get a warning message OK it

2d/ at the breakpoint you want it to appear again same thing but revert to 'Visible;
This way is slightly different in that although the element is hidden (users cannot see it) it remains on the canvas (therefore on the browsers DOM) but the space it TAKES UP sitll remains, THEREFORE ANY OTHER ELEMENT DOES NOT change position

BOOM there you have chosen to hide an element and display it again whenerver you desire

It's fairly straightforward (*a bit sort of complicated to explain. I can do a quick video demo if that would be of any help

If the element in question is part of a SYMBOL and you dont want that way for all of the others elements that are the same symbol, then you need de-link the one you want to change so that it only effects that and not all of the others
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User 379556 Photo

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It is perhaps worth mentioning the following.
1. Elements hidden in the ways shown by Wayan are indicated in the Elements Tree by an 'eye' icon at the right of the name of the element. That icon is crossed through when the element is not showing on the canvas. Clicking on that icon for an element toggles the hiding/revealing of that element on the canvas.
2. When there are items in the Elements Tree with an 'eye' icon, the tick box near the foot of the Elements Tree reads, 'Hide [number] items in this breakpoint'.
(a) Clicking on that box until it shows a tick will hide all those elements on the canvas.
(b) Clicking on that box until it is empty will reveal (i.e. 'unhide') all those elements on the canvas.
(c) When some, but not all, of such elements are hidden, the box shows a '-'.

User 556652 Photo

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Inger wrote:
How do you mean 'hide'? Is it to hide something from view in a browser, or do you mean hiding it from the element tree ( like commenting it out in the Editor)?

I am making a site that will have many pages linked from the index.html.
(1.)There are four subject groupings on Index.html that link to
(2.)other pages and those pages will link to
(3.)4-10 each.
Index.html has a menu on left that allows user to select a subject which allows the user to then selects an area on the right side that contains the links to (2.).

Confused? I'm sure. I can select that area and the right side scrolls to the subject. What I want is for the (1.) four subjects to only show and not scroll when the menu item that pertains to that subject is selected.

Thanks to Frank and Wayan for your info. I was aware of the eyes for hidden in the inspector but that wasn't the need.
Artist At Heart
User 2699991 Photo

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This one sounds to me like one for Inger, I know she is Norwegian but probably understands Double Dutch better than I ,,,☺️
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This is at least 'Triple Dutch'. I'm not sure if I understand, but it sounds like you might need a dropdown menu with sub and subsub menus. Which framework are you using? It would really be better if I could have a look at that site. Not just an image, but the project file.

You could also take a look at my selection of menus (https://mock-up.coffeecup.com) and see if you find something that seems somewhat like what you are interested it. Most of those menus can be tweaked a bit.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 556652 Photo

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I am using Frameworkless. Let me try to explain again with less details.

My Index.html page has two main areas. Small column on left and wider on the right. I left column is a menu with four subjects. Right column has intro information, below that are the areas for the four subjects and below that is an About Me.

I have it set so that when a subject is selected from menu the right hand column scrolls to that subject to fill the area. The other three subjects are below but not seen. Each Subject area will have links to other pages.

However what I want it to do is just show the subject selected in the right column but the others to be hidden if use scrolled.

Hope that helps.
Artist At Heart

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