Site Designer suggestions - Post ID...

User 2906089 Photo

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226 posts

I've been working on a smallish laptop. I would also would like to be able to remove many of the items in the menus and add items to the menus. It would be good if the state of the menus stayed the same after creating a new document or editing a site.

The color window still annoys me when I can't keep it opening in the last place it was before closing. I strongly dislike having to move the window each time it opens. I have to give credit to CC that the menu is now fully on my laptops screen unlike it was being partially hidden so I could not get to the command buttons.

I really hope that the Covid virus is not affecting CC too much.To see that Hans and Suzanne both posting messages here in the forums this week is very encouraging to me that they are listening behind the scenes.
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User 122279 Photo

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I'm also quite often on a laptop. I don't follow you on the menu issue. What menus are you talking about?

The colour window opens for me a bit outside the screen. I use two monitors, so I get part of it on the 2nd one. But I can drag it into place, and then it stays there until I close SD. Next time I open it, I have to fetch the colour thingie from the corner again.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 2088758 Photo

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Bosco wrote:
I've been working on a smallish laptop. I would also would like to be able to remove many of the items in the menus and add items to the menus. It would be good if the state of the menus stayed the same after creating a new document or editing a site.

The color window still annoys me when I can't keep it opening in the last place it was before closing. I strongly dislike having to move the window each time it opens. I have to give credit to CC that the menu is now fully on my laptops screen unlike it was being partially hidden so I could not get to the command buttons.

I really hope that the Covid virus is not affecting CC too much.To see that Hans and Suzanne both posting messages here in the forums this week is very encouraging to me that they are listening behind the scenes.

I second this suggestion. Most of the time I'm on my 27in Mac but there are quite a few times ill be working remotely using my 15in laptop. It is very annoying having to scale to 60% so I can see everything.
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User 122279 Photo

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Bosco wrote:

I really hope that the Covid virus is not affecting CC too much.To see that Hans and Suzanne both posting messages here in the forums this week is very encouraging to me that they are listening behind the scenes.

Speaking about that virus; I've been having problems with my Paypal account during the last couple of days, and when I logged in this morning and wanted to send some questions to PP support, I got a notification up on my screen saying the support was closed because of the Corona situation. I didn't know that covid-19 was also a data virus! :lol:
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 2093190 Photo

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Inger wrote:
Bosco wrote:

I really hope that the Covid virus is not affecting CC too much.To see that Hans and Suzanne both posting messages here in the forums this week is very encouraging to me that they are listening behind the scenes.

Speaking about that virus; I've been having problems with my Paypal account during the last couple of days, and when I logged in this morning and wanted to send some questions to PP support, I got a notification up on my screen saying the support was closed because of the CoronIa situation. I didn't know that covid-19 was also a data virus! :lol:

If the PayPal-Office is settled in Germany, maybe they've closed it in fact of empty toilet-paper. Who knows … : /
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User 122279 Photo

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Sounds critical! Out of loo paper - and then probably no handwash liquid either! Yeah, I wouldn't touch my computer in a situation like that! :o

I can only say; Gott erhalte sie - mir vom Leibe!
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 2906089 Photo

Registered User
226 posts

Hi Inger.

Basically I'm looking for the "Content Pane" and the menus inside of it, to be customized by the end user. For example, I hardly ever use the "Media" menu. To save space on my laptop, I close the menu with the little triangle icon. Now the other menus shift up and I won't have to scroll so much to bring other menus in view.

Taking this a bit farther, I would like to change the order of the menu items. Maybe move up or down say the "Common" or "Media" menus. Plus I would like to be able to add or remove items from say the "Common" menu.

The "click and dragging" the color chooser menu is what I'm talking about. On my windows system, it's always opening in the lower right side. It should always remember where it was last opened and go to that spot IMHO.

Does that clear it up?

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User 2906089 Photo

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226 posts


Did you notice that the gap on the left of the canvas? It grows larger as you zoom out the design. In other words, the canvas does not go to the left hand side, as it does when viewing at 100% of zoom level. My screen shot shows the gap highlighted by the red color.

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User 122279 Photo

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14,518 posts

Bosco wrote:
Hi Inger.

Does that clear it up?

Yes, Now I understand, and I agree, it would be nice to have it the way you are suggesting.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 244626 Photo

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811 posts

I would like to have the ability to design in regular mode, landscape mode or portrait mode. When in regular mode the css is applied as it is now to the individual breakpoints. When in landscape mode it would add that to the media query for the breakpoint section. Same for portrait mode. A toggle or something similar to @support features ?

Bootstrap 5 CSS Grid.

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