The addition of sub-categories will be a big help. I'll start developing my inventory tree layout. The currently available ability to move an item from from category to another will be a major help when I reorganize my shop into categories/sub-categories. I'm disappointed that an in-site wouldn't be in the first release but it sounds like it may be offered later. In the meanwhile, any way to make CC's Flash Search compatible with the cart?
I am sure there would be a way to hack it to make it work, but for the first release, no.
Now we could skip inventory management and go for a search instead if you like
Now we could skip inventory management and go for a search instead if you like

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Now we could skip inventory management and go for a search instead if you like 

Does inventory management include item control number? If so, yes I need this more than an in-site search. If item control numbers is a separate issue from inventory control, I'd rather have an in-site search. I list in several venues so I maintain a large spreadsheet of what's listed and where; my version of inventory control. However, I recognize that inventory control is more important to most Coffee Cuppers than is in-site search.
For now I'm just grateful that we'll have sub-categories and item identifier. I'll wait patiently wait for an in-site search.

Yes you will have the option to enter in a SKU number.
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I currently own sophisticated shopping cart software, whose feature list is way in advance of what people are currently requesting on the pro feature list. When you get to that level of complexity in a program though, the required learning curve increases quite dramatically. Unlike the simplicity of shopping cart creator, it would be impossible to have a site up and running in such a short time scale with a significantly more advanced program. The 'other' software I use, typically takes around 25 hours to get a basic functional site up and has more admin sub menus than you could ever imagine. This is the problem when you just keep adding feature after feature.
Regarding my original suggestion of price variables on the product options, the shopping cart currently has an option to auto update on the shipping variables, so couldn't this same programming be incorporated into the options on the product page? This is an upgrade I'd like to see on the BASIC version of shopping cart creator, to make it more suitable for the numerous sellers that have cost related options on our products.
Regarding my original suggestion of price variables on the product options, the shopping cart currently has an option to auto update on the shipping variables, so couldn't this same programming be incorporated into the options on the product page? This is an upgrade I'd like to see on the BASIC version of shopping cart creator, to make it more suitable for the numerous sellers that have cost related options on our products.

The ability to create your own theme is the sticking point for me, other than that it's all good! Regards John.
The ability to create your own theme is the sticking point for me, other than that it's all good! Regards John.
John Harvey
I made a cart with 330+ items that are for a store where quanitites arent limited. I realized that the default quantities were set to one so I had to go back and change the quantities to let the buyer decide. It would be nice if there was a way to change the default quantity options without having to open each item individually under more options to change the quantity info.
It seems to me that a couple of things are missing from SCC:
The ability to add a sentence or two at the top of each category giving a brief description of the category contents
The ability to modify the colours in a theme - what if the set colour is not quite what you want and you'd like it to be closer to or the same as the rest of your website?
Otherwise a great programme that works the way many others out there should - but dont!
It seems to me that a couple of things are missing from SCC:
The ability to add a sentence or two at the top of each category giving a brief description of the category contents
The ability to modify the colours in a theme - what if the set colour is not quite what you want and you'd like it to be closer to or the same as the rest of your website?
Otherwise a great programme that works the way many others out there should - but dont!
Every day above ground is a good day!
You'll be able to modify the colours to match your website and more in the Theme Designer package - due pretty soon
My wish list for the shoppingcart software would be
In-site search facility
Invoicing facility
Shipping discount for multiple purchases
I know that some of these features will cost extra which I'll gladly pay.
In-site search facility
Invoicing facility
Shipping discount for multiple purchases
I know that some of these features will cost extra which I'll gladly pay.
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