Post your Shops here! - Post ID 230297

User 1861272 Photo

Registered User
339 posts

Thanks Steve-

I like your PetStuffOnline site. Really neat effect with the front page image.
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

@Tim - very nice shop. Love the background. It's nice to see those colors now that I know its not the drugs I'm on.

@Steve - Love the shop. I really like the slider, but (there's always a but...) I like sliders that either have controls or better yet at least pause when you mouse over. If I see something interesting go by I like to be able to pause it, or go back to it if I need to. It may just be me.
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,108 posts

Hahaha yea good point. I will mention to my client thanks!
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA

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