Carlos Regueira -
The site is well presented Catalina. Just one small point however. It is possible to still purchase the 'sold items'.
That won't be a problem with the pro version due to its stock control feature, but in the meantime you still have the opportunity to end up with a sale for an item that you do not have. Some folks just click 'buy now' buttons without reading the dialogue sometimes. Just ask anyone that sells on eBay.!!
All in all a good site though, with clean layout, good contrast in the colours and well photographed products.

All in all a good site though, with clean layout, good contrast in the colours and well photographed products.

Thank you for your advise and I think you are the second person who has mentioned this to me. I think I will go ahead and delete them. I am not sure if you seen the shop since I made the default pictures larger? A senior advisor showed me how to do it and I must say I love it! Thanks!
Carlos Regueira -
Hiya Catalina,
If you haven't deleted the sold items yet, something you could do instead is just mark them as unpublished for now. Then when the Pro version is out, if you still want to show them on the site as sold you can reset them as published with 0 in stock and it "should" then show it as sold without it being able to be accidentally purchased. This will again give you the ability to show off the things you've sold
If you haven't deleted the sold items yet, something you could do instead is just mark them as unpublished for now. Then when the Pro version is out, if you still want to show them on the site as sold you can reset them as published with 0 in stock and it "should" then show it as sold without it being able to be accidentally purchased. This will again give you the ability to show off the things you've sold

Jo Ann wrote:
Hiya Catalina,
If you haven't deleted the sold items yet, something you could do instead is just mark them as unpublished for now. Then when the Pro version is out, if you still want to show them on the site as sold you can reset them as published with 0 in stock and it "should" then show it as sold without it being able to be accidentally purchased. This will again give you the ability to show off the things you've sold
Hiya Catalina,
If you haven't deleted the sold items yet, something you could do instead is just mark them as unpublished for now. Then when the Pro version is out, if you still want to show them on the site as sold you can reset them as published with 0 in stock and it "should" then show it as sold without it being able to be accidentally purchased. This will again give you the ability to show off the things you've sold

I agree with Jo Ann, just mark them as unpublished so that you don't have to re enter them later. I have a client that does that when she is out of stock and then republishes them when they are more.

Kim wrote:
I agree with Jo Ann, just mark them as unpublished so that you don't have to re enter them later. I have a client that does that when she is out of stock and then republishes them when they are more.
Jo Ann wrote:
Hiya Catalina,
If you haven't deleted the sold items yet, something you could do instead is just mark them as unpublished for now. Then when the Pro version is out, if you still want to show them on the site as sold you can reset them as published with 0 in stock and it "should" then show it as sold without it being able to be accidentally purchased. This will again give you the ability to show off the things you've sold
Hiya Catalina,
If you haven't deleted the sold items yet, something you could do instead is just mark them as unpublished for now. Then when the Pro version is out, if you still want to show them on the site as sold you can reset them as published with 0 in stock and it "should" then show it as sold without it being able to be accidentally purchased. This will again give you the ability to show off the things you've sold

I agree with Jo Ann, just mark them as unpublished so that you don't have to re enter them later. I have a client that does that when she is out of stock and then republishes them when they are more.

Yep that's what I do too, that way I don't have to constantly keep recreating a new product

Catalina Diaz wrote:
Thank you for your advise and I think you are the second person who has mentioned this to me. I think I will go ahead and delete them. I am not sure if you seen the shop since I made the default pictures larger? A senior advisor showed me how to do it and I must say I love it! Thanks!
Thank you for your advise and I think you are the second person who has mentioned this to me. I think I will go ahead and delete them. I am not sure if you seen the shop since I made the default pictures larger? A senior advisor showed me how to do it and I must say I love it! Thanks!
Nice shop Catalina. I do like the larger image size. How did they tell you to do that?
Bren wrote:
Nice shop Catalina. I do like the larger image size. How did they tell you to do that?
Nice shop Catalina. I do like the larger image size. How did they tell you to do that?
Edit the default.css file in html editor with the below. I highly recommend that you make a back up copy of your original css file before you make any alterations. Note that the size 210px, looks the best so far.
Here is the line of code to look for:
#scs_productlist .scs_productlist_item .scs_thumbnail_image{width:100px;}
change to:
#scs_productlist .scs_productlist_item .scs_thumbnail_image{width:210px;}
Then you just upload the default.css file into the css folder. The css folder should be under where your shop files go.
Here is a page of a shop I revised css code:

Will that change be overwritten and have to be redone when you upload your shop again?
Virtually all changes get overwritten in the css file when you update the shop. Although an over simplification of the way the process works, when you update your shop, it compares file sizes between the ones on your computer and the ones on your web server. Changing the values of a couple of digits in the code 'shouldn't' affect that process, but Cart Creator is quite quirky in the way that it operates, so try it out and see what happens 
When the pro version (yes we're all still waiting) finally gets released, having control over image sizes will need to be addressed in future versions. I would eventually like to see a mouse over zoom for the thumbnails, the javascript coding for which, isn't that difficult.

When the pro version (yes we're all still waiting) finally gets released, having control over image sizes will need to be addressed in future versions. I would eventually like to see a mouse over zoom for the thumbnails, the javascript coding for which, isn't that difficult.
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