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User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Fixtronix wrote:
Do you have to host the form on your own server to adjust the default "from:" address as per instructions at … m-builder/ ?

I have my form at hosted on S-Drive but I can not find the form.cfg.php file on the S-Drive either by FTP connection or on the A-Drive web interface on

On a side-note, it should be something for a future update that the "from:" address can be the form submitters e-mail address by choice rather than having to edit form.cfg.php each time you revise/edit your form.

I get form data as being from (I think) and I am sick having to copy/paste the originators e-mail address to then create a new e-mail when I want to reply.

When I used the old Coffeecup Flash form builder the e-mail with form content always came FROM the form originator and all I had to do was hit reply and respond directly. #Simples

Please make it so :)

On S-Drive you cannot access the scripts, but what you want to do, you have always been able to do in the software. Just go to the email notices tab and for the from address, put [email1] or what ever the name you called that element. All emails will come from whatever email address was entered in the form.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 298877 Photo

292 posts

Hi Scott,
Many thanks for the reply. It's a classic case of RTFM for me, so!
Excellent :)
User 2258946 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I agree with Michael Ashland and Jen Standridge. The previous form software was easy enough to upload via ftp, and I have made more than 2 dozen forms using it. But I am having a problem uploading forms to my server using the new software. I keep getting an error that says that one or more email addresses are not configured correctly, and I am also not sure what I am suppose to put into the Database field and the Table field. These are not outlined in the help manual. Perhaps someone here could be kind enough to outline the steps in layman terms, rather than just saying "All you have to do is export the form and upload it to your server. I personally do not see how that is complicated or a hassle. It is the same thing you have to do for a web page or HTML file." I can export forms, sites, etc and upload them to my server and do so on a regular basis, but I cannot upload a form if I cannot get past an error message, so please could someone tell me what I am doing wrong. Thanks in anticipation of a response.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Abigail,

Are you Exporting the files for use on your own server, or are you trying to use the Publish button to do so? If you're trying the latter, then that's what the problem is... *grumbles that CC hasn't yet added the Export button next to the Publish button to make it more easily recognized what to do* lol

Anyways, use the File menu and choose Export for using it on your own server. This will spit out the code for you to use and will create the files for you to upload.

If this is what you're already doing, then I guess we'll need more information on exactly when that error is showing up as it does sound like you're trying to Publish the form, and that button is only for use with S-Drive. Let us know if that helps :)
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Abigail Hall wrote:
I agree with Michael Ashland and Jen Standridge. The previous form software was easy enough to upload via ftp, and I have made more than 2 dozen forms using it. But I am having a problem uploading forms to my server using the new software. I keep getting an error that says that one or more email addresses are not configured correctly, and I am also not sure what I am suppose to put into the Database field and the Table field. These are not outlined in the help manual. Perhaps someone here could be kind enough to outline the steps in layman terms, rather than just saying "All you have to do is export the form and upload it to your server. I personally do not see how that is complicated or a hassle. It is the same thing you have to do for a web page or HTML file." I can export forms, sites, etc and upload them to my server and do so on a regular basis, but I cannot upload a form if I cannot get past an error message, so please could someone tell me what I am doing wrong. Thanks in anticipation of a response.

The error " one or more email addresses are not configured correctly" means exactly what it says Abigail. Go to the Settings > Email Notices and for ALL boxes you need to put an email address. I will bet you that in the FROM address you simply put a name. As to MySQL, if you don't know what should go in there, then I would have to say you probably don't need it at all. Just leave that alone.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 114675 Photo

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3 posts

I will have to agree with Michael Ashland about getting error messages when I post the files to my web site and then fill out the form and hit the submit button I keep getting an error. I do not use the s drive. I have moved files, but nothing I do solves the problem. I also have used Coffee Cup software for years, but the new web form builder is exasperating to get to work.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,253 posts

Can you share a link?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2062767 Photo

Registered User
166 posts

Thank you Coffeecup, I got a new toy to play with :D.

HTML in forms & it aint even Xmas yet. :P - My Florist Shop. - My Wooden Toy Shop.

I use CoffeeCup HTML Editor, WIS, Direct ftp, Sitemapper, Website Insite & RED Personal to create my websites.

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User 2517982 Photo

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2 posts

A few questions/concerns regarding Forms:
-- What data security options are available? We have HIPAA/HiTECH issues and do not see any indication as to support for HTTPS.
-- Is there a simple way to enable a user to create N sections of a form? So if they want to add three or four of something, they don't have to fill out 3 or 4 forms where the things are the only specific values unique to the form (versus identifying information and such).
-- Is there any capability of generating PDF files from completed forms?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

David Sloves wrote:
A few questions/concerns regarding Forms:
-- What data security options are available? We have HIPAA/HiTECH issues and do not see any indication as to support for HTTPS.
-- Is there a simple way to enable a user to create N sections of a form? So if they want to add three or four of something, they don't have to fill out 3 or 4 forms where the things are the only specific values unique to the form (versus identifying information and such).
-- Is there any capability of generating PDF files from completed forms?


-Our servers are only as secure as the passwords you assign to your accounts. However only you will have access to that information and it is not publicly accessible to anyone without logging into your S-Drive account.

- Not sure I follow you on that one. Got an example you can show?

- There is no such functionality, but you could easily add a 3rd party JavaScript or other types of code to generate one on form completion. All the HTML/CSS/PHP is provided to you.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.

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