When you hit that limit, we will send you an email letting you know you have reached your limit. You will then have to decide to either upgrade to the next higher plan to continue to receive your emails or just ignore it and no new emails will be received through your form.
I am new to all of this and have a problem to get my form up-loaded to your server.When I go to S-drive your side freezes up. Being a beginner in this is frustrating like hell,I bought the soft ware and it tells me I reached my limit at 5 pages. Yet it tells me it is free (bonus)when I signed up.I like to have my contact page on my own page,when I click the copy button and go to s-drive, nothing is showing up on the page for me to paste it to my own web page. This may be all simple when you know what you are doing,being a senior and learning to do this, is not working.All I am learning is, spending more money on another software with the same problems.I have been trying to do this now for two days,I think I will forget about this program all together...

Thank you...