Forms submission limits - Page 2 -...

User 2486708 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
When you hit that limit, we will send you an email letting you know you have reached your limit. You will then have to decide to either upgrade to the next higher plan to continue to receive your emails or just ignore it and no new emails will be received through your form.

I am new to all of this and have a problem to get my form up-loaded to your server.When I go to S-drive your side freezes up. Being a beginner in this is frustrating like hell,I bought the soft ware and it tells me I reached my limit at 5 pages. Yet it tells me it is free (bonus)when I signed up.I like to have my contact page on my own page,when I click the copy button and go to s-drive, nothing is showing up on the page for me to paste it to my own web page. This may be all simple when you know what you are doing,being a senior and learning to do this, is not working.All I am learning is, spending more money on another software with the same problems.I have been trying to do this now for two days,I think I will forget about this program all together...:(
Thank you...
User 187934 Photo

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20,252 posts

If your creating a contact form you click on File then Export then choose whether you'll be doing an Automatic Form Processing which is S-Drive or manual Server Setup which it saves the files on your pc to the location of your choice then you upload these files with a FTP program to your own host.:)
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User 2491032 Photo

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How soon do you think you will have the form plan available? I will hit my maximum pretty fast, and don't have the savings to upgrade to the highest or even second-highest S-Drive plan. It will be pointless and inconvenient to use the form if there is a cap.

Also, I noticed that you said "no new emails will be received through your plan" Does this mean the information will still be saved on the S-drive? I highly doubt it, but just thought I would check.

User 187934 Photo

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Hi Amy, This is a great question as I wondered that myself. If you reach you submission limit then your done. It doesn't seem like the cc way but I do understand why they would do it this way. I'm wondering if they will come up with a reset fee so you could pay a few bucks to reset your form submission to zero.:)
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User 298877 Photo

292 posts

When you reach the limit, I think you can just create a new form (exactly like your own) and then delete the one you maxed out. Upload your new one with a new name. This resets the submission count.

I say "I think" as I am basing it on the fact that I redesigned my form recently and uploaded it with a new name, keeping my original on my PC in case I changed my mind. But, the submission count for the new form went to zero.

So, hopefully it's a credible work-around for anyone who reaches the limit :)
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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When you reach your 100 submit limit, no new emails will be delivered for that calendar month. Even if you delete your form, that will not reset the count. You will have to upgrade to a higher plan if you would like to receive more emails after that amount or simply wait for the calendar month to reset.

As you get close to the email limit, we will send you an email letting you know. We also give a little grace period to give you time take care of it as well. Not too much time though. ;)
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User 298877 Photo

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The keyword here is MONTH. I think there are some people who believe the limit is for the plans life rather than on a monthly rotation.

Since my last post, I have been playing around in S-Drive to see how I can manipulate the count. It would appear that this effort is futile, Scott :)

Knowing me, I changed my form the same day my S-Drive plan rolled over at month end...

Anyway, I think the limits being monthly. are fine & more than most would need for each given plan level :):)
User 2504774 Photo

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2 posts

Hi, Just created my first PDF form, followed the help guide OK until I published.
then I was told i had exceeded my limit !

All this is new to me so any ideas what I have done wrong?
and what else do i need to tell you?
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,252 posts

How many forms do you have published on your account?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
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This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hi, Just created my first PDF form, followed the help guide OK until I published.
then I was told i had exceeded my limit !

All this is new to me so any ideas what I have done wrong?
and what else do i need to tell you?

You are on the free plan Brian which only allows for a single form. If you would like more forms, you would just need to upgrade to a higher plan.
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