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User 2273654 Photo

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Thanks for the tip I will give that a try on my next slide show starting sometime today. 2 down 78 to go.
My CC S-drive site
User 2273654 Photo

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772 posts
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Just finished this slide a couple of hours ago. Showing link to the stand alone file on my server and the link to the site and directions of where the link is now on the site to the stand alone file. … ement-job/
Placed the link on the testimonials pg. Its on the second one down Doss job. Link is below testimonial centered and is called Doss Basement

Is two slides but seems like much more. the first slide is a paragraph description of the slide show. The second slide is a 10 or 11 year old made from windows paint shop pro anim a gif slide show anim about 10 or so images. It auto runs because its an anim and the main slide show I do not auto play so you have to click out of the first slide.
My CC S-drive site
User 2526084 Photo

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65 posts

Just added my first Responsive Content Slider to my Responsive Site Designer website :)

Nothing too complicated as I'm still getting my head around RCS, but it does show you that responsive slides are an option available for your RSD websites

This page => - Designed and Developed in CoffeeCup's Responsive Site Designer
User 2710679 Photo

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9 posts

Hi all,

Just got my first slider up and running. I have a few things I'd still like to adjust on it, but I wanted to get a first iteration out. Not a lot of fancy transitions, but it's responsive and clean which is what I wanted most.
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Great use of RCS!
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2825870 Photo

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11 posts

I have a few sliders on our new rsd site at
Still working on the About us one.
Simple and clean with site styling. Any feedback welcome
User 1805898 Photo

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1 post

Here is the first one I created.

My only problem was getting the navigation to appear at the bottom. I had to remove it. I also had to change the srcset link to just src and put in a direct path. I had to put in a direct path for every link.

The website is made up of multiple top, bottom, and so on. A part of a page could have multiple files associated with it. I tried other slider software and could not get them to work.

If anyone knows a correct path to the navigation, I would love to add it. The only file I seen that talked about it was in the css. I was going to use the happy face.
User 427254 Photo

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6 posts

Have to put the obligatory link to my own coffee-cup created website:

Although not using slider on that one, however I've used it on my latest creation:

As far as I am concerned coffee cup software is the best!
User 2119480 Photo

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78 posts

Darren Strudwick wrote:
My new home page was built with RSD, Menu Maker and right at the top I've made use of Content Slider.

I really like what you have done with this - the site looks great.
Pt Augusta
South Australia
User 2849383 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

Is the CC rcs a good option for creating a photo gallery? What is the best way to achieve a responsive gallery? For my job I am required to put together several galleries per year (each contains about 200 images).

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