RCS going forward - Page 2 - Post ID...

User 244626 Photo

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811 posts

Recently some members have shared some of the websites they have built and I still see they are using RCS with some very impressive results. I also have used it until I learned the Foundation Orbit Slider and the the Bootstrap Carousel. There are many many other sliders....

The bug I ran into had to do with the dropdown slide selector not changing the actual slide when editing in the design panel. It showed the slide was changed but closer inspection of the element tree inspector showed the slide had not. I narrowed it down to a problem where the program needs to have a least two slides in order to assign ID's to the element. The only way to achieve the assignment was to create two slides, save the project, and then reopen it.

If this helps, this is the startup template I use to keep my sanity, as I spent hours wondering why all my changes were getting messed up when using the dropdown slide selector.
Bootstrap 5 CSS Grid.
User 235071 Photo

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110 posts

What are you guys talking about -- ALL the ads I've seen --- see attached -- have it at $69
If you've seen it at less that probably means it's been abandoned -- typical of nearly all CC programs these days; doesn't seem sensible to buy anything more than SD3 these days
User 122279 Photo

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Maybe there was an initial campaign price of $39 when it was first launched? And Matthew may have bought it at that price?
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 2903050 Photo

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260 posts

I bought it recently just before Site Designer was released at a promotion price of $39.
User 2147473 Photo

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156 posts

You've got a point there, Steve. Thanks. I spoke in haste. I will continue working with the app. Most likely, I just haven't mastered it yet ;)
User 2147473 Photo

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156 posts

Hello Russell. If you click the software nav tab on the home page, then Responsive apps, then Content Slider, then More Info, you will see the discounted price of $39.

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