I've been meaning to come on to this forum for months now but I'm too easily distracted

I love the HTML Editor and use it daily whilst Dreamweaver sits idly on my hard drive. However, there is one niggling thing about HTML Editor that does wind me up a little - the upload buttons (the little spanner) above the file list. I've lost count of how many times I've clicked 'Upload Entire Project' instead of 'Upload Selected Files' and then spent several minutes trying to cancel the upload. This usually results in either crashing the Editor or a lot of swearing...sometimes both.
Trying to be logical about the buttons, how many times do Web Authors upload an entire project in comparison to single files? Personally, I upload single files maybe hundreds of times a day whilst I very rarely upload an entire project - so why does the button for the entire project upload keep getting in my way? Could there not be a simple pop-up asking me to confirm if I want to upload the entire project or better still, the button moved away from where it can cause such nuisance?
This could be an isolated problem that is exasperated by me becoming middle-aged and less tolerant of pretty much everything in life; I'm not too sure. Do any other users click the wrong upload button? Are there thousands of unwanted bulk uploads happening daily that could be avoided? Will the folks at Coffee Cup Towers be slapping there heads in recognition of my analytical genius? Probably not.
Well, there's my significant input to help along the development of what is otherwise a fantastic bit of software. Fix the the bulk upload and I will be eternally grateful and <lie>a lot less grumpy</lie>
** DONE **
PS: I agree with James above - the highlighting needs the concentration levels of a Neurosurgeon.