Am wondering if "Open in Windows Explorer" and "Open With..." type options could be added to the right click menu of the Projects File List. I have found at least 5 times over the past few days that I need to get to the file in the folder itself. To do that right now I have to open my folders manually, usually right clicking the start button and hitting explore and navigating to the location of my files. I'm hoping that since windows has this feature, and even inside many of my programs (web building and otherwise) they include it, that it isn't something too difficult to add?
Just another convenience since sometimes other programs name things incorrectly. Windows Paint loves to use capital .JPG and I don't use any caps in names of files for sites so I always have to manually change it. Sometimes on the fly which your program won't allow me to do. (see possible bug info below). Sometimes I need to open the files in other programs such as graphics programs to edit the pics etc.
( maybe this is a bug? dunno lol).
I tried to rename a file today that had the caps. .JPG and it wouldn't let me, said that file already existed and so it couldn't rename it. I then went outside the program and manually did it but, it showed up both files on the list then instead of just one, showed the one I just saved as .jpg and also the same file as .JPG even though the .JPG file was no longer there. Of course like a silly thing I deleted it from the CC Project Files list and it deleted the actual file LOL. I went and put it back from my recycle bin and it was fine after that, but a lot of hassle just to change an extension I think lol. I think this situation may be a bug though.
Anyways, would be nice to be able to rename files within the file list in the Projects list instead of having to go outside of CCHE to do so. Also this would make opening those files in a viewer or graphic program much quicker too.
P.S. I'll post the situation above in the bugs area for CCHE in case they are bugs and so you don't have to address that part here. I just put it here to show why I'm asking.