HTML Editor Support for tag? - Post...

User 3099551 Photo

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I'm teaching myself HTML and the course projects use the <main> tag. However, the HTML Editor (paid version) does not seem to support this tag. Is there a reason the editor does not support this tag or am I doing something wrong? I've tried searching for this topic but was not able to find an earlier thread. Thanks in advance for your assistance!
User 379556 Photo

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<main></main> acts exactly the same as <div></div>, and is primarily descriptive. describes its usage.

It can be added to the HTML5 code list in The HTML Editor using Edit > Add/Edit HTML Tag Markup. When there, select HTML5 in the top box and
1. click on the (+) button at the bottom left of the window and type (without the inverted commas) 'main' in the box that appears;
2. complete the Element Start and Element End boxes as <main> and </main>;
3. click on the Close button.

Fuller details are at … ml-editor/ .

User 122279 Photo

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I'm not sure how common the semantic tags are. I think I've seen them used as class names in CSS rather than being used as HTML tags. But they are valid so you can use them. You only have to type them in yourself.
- or follow Frank's advice ;)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 3099551 Photo

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Frank Cook wrote:
<main></main> acts exactly the same as <div></div>, and is primarily descriptive. describes its usage.

It can be added to the HTML5 code list in The HTML Editor using Edit > Add/Edit HTML Tag Markup. When there, select HTML5 in the top box and...

Thanks Frank, that's what I was looking for.
User 2699991 Photo

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Inger wrote:
I'm not sure how common the semantic tags are.

Hi Inger
The semantic tags are commom and should wherever possible be used, especially for assistive technology, they play an important role in helping that (which is a web core vital indicator for Google search),, however it is not essential,and if you don't wish to use then no problems with SEO, BUT if you are going to use them, then you really need make sure that you follow the semantic guidelines, otherwise it results in a HTML markup error (which although that doesn't have a great impact on SEO it is a consideration that a search engine applies, if any of your website competitors Have a correctly formatted HTML markup.

So the bottom line is
It is sort of expected for us to use Semantic tag names, (but not essential) There is could be a slight advantage to using them, especially if competitors are using them, as long as you follow the guidelines as to what they are and can be used for, and what other elements semantic name tags they can contain. It is quite a complicated amd confusing subject in the beginning, and sometimes doesn't seem logical, but once you get into it, then it works, and who knows one day, it might become an essential requirement rather that a sort of optional option.:P
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User 122279 Photo

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I know, Wayan, and at the beginning, when HTML 5 was launched, I read up on all that and used those semantic tags slavishly. But as I said above, I don't see them used so much when I look at the code made by others, I see the same tag names used as class names instead. That has probably made me become a bit lazy myself.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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