HELP! with site not working correctly...

User 19165 Photo

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Ok, first, had a friend use my laptop and CoffeeCup HTML editor to take a premade site and reconstruct it for my purpose. We worked it together with me giving my wants and needs and he did the work.
Unfortunately, he is no longer with us. :(

So, couple of issues, I am jumping in to try to make things work and make some changes.

1, I have some table backgrounds in my "Home" section, under tribute shows, that I want to be black like the rest of the background site. Only, CSS was also used and I am not familiar with that. I have spent some hours trying to figure out how to change the background color of these tables, but can't find anything.

2, A premade mail form was used and it does not work. Also, I have some notes here stating that a captcha was tried to use and it was never successful. So, I need a mail form. This site is currently, and for a few years, has not been active, but I would like to make it so if possible.

Any suggestions or help would be soooo appreciated as I am ready to pull my hair out.

the site is at:

My name is Ashley.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help or ? :)
User 122279 Photo

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Hi Ashley,

When looking at your site and checking the coding, it seems to be some years old. We don't really use the table layout anymore, nor all the inline CSS. It seems to be based on an early version of Bootstrap. I built sites that way some 25 years ago.
I think the advice and offer you got from Wayan (in the other thread where you posted at first) is too good not to take advantage of. Once you get over the hurdles of mastering Site Designer, the site maintenance will be much easier.

However, if you want to stay with the HTML Editor, I can try to assist you. It depends on what you need help with.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2699991 Photo

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Just in case you missed my post in the Site Designer Thread

My offer to help was for using 'SITE DESIGNER' to help re-create your website
Site designer cannot import a site from one originally created with HTML etc, I could help in 2 ways

1/ With a series of personalised step by step tutorials showing you the way to recreate your website and bring it up to date with modern-day 'BEST PRACTICES' for websites and Search Engines etc

1.1 CC Site Designer is a great app for anyone to create a website, without the need for HTML/CSS /JS etc, however it does have a steep learning curve especially for new-comers to website design and development.
having said that since you have all of the necessary content (images/text/navigational links etc it is easy to bring all of that into Site Designer, therefore reducing the time scale from start to finish considerably.

2/ If time is of the essence I can help by re-creating your website, bringing it up to date with 'Best Practices" etc working together with you, I can then send you the finished project as a HTML project ready for you to upload to your hosting service (replacing the out of date one. (I can help with that too should you require it).

There are others on this forum who can also help, Inger being one of them.

Should you wish to discuss my offer you can contact me by one of the contact forms in my signature section below, (PS My offer would also include a form (WITH CAPTCHA THAT WORKS :D:D:D )
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User 19165 Photo

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Thanks all for the posts. At this time, I may have to wait. I really want to get this site working. And I agree that it is old. It certainly has been some years. I have no issue with trying to learn Site Designer...

The issue now is I am in the Pasadena CA area. I have had had to evacuate my neighborhood temporarily, and now have returned. Was without power for around 40 hours including no internet.

I am back home now, but for the next few days to a week or so, we are still on standby as the fires could kick up big time again.

As to what I want working, well mostly i want it easy to navigate, I do need the mail form working.. without it, it is actually no point to having the site.

Anything else, well, I just want it easier to update with information. I do not necessarily need anything else that isn't already on the site as far as function, but I do agree with both posts that I need to update the site or redu it with a more appropriate technology. Thinking about it, it might be a good time as it would take my mind off the dangers around the neighborhood and I believe that could help keep me sane... if you know what I mean.

I will keep checking this post to see if any other posts. If I do not respond right away, which is not like me, it is because either power outage or internet down again, or possible evacuation which I am hoping and do not think will happen again... at least I pray it does not happen again.

Thanks again for the suggestions... they seem to be logical and the way to go.
I will check back soon...
Again, thank you so much.

PS: I just checked into getting Site Designer as now I only have CoffeeCup HTML editor. Unfortunately, I can't get it right away as my money situation needs to be watched for the moment until this danger is over. If I need to leave, I will need all funds until I know if I have a home or not. Just need to be smart and safe for now. But, I will look into how it works so I can get prepared for when I do get it. I am actually excited about learning a new technology in hopes of making my site more functional and hopefully easier to work. Take Care.
User 122279 Photo

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Oh dear, I don't envy you the situation you are in. Even here in Norway the news is following the wildfires over in California. I hope they will be under control soon.

If you want to learn Site Designer, Wayan is your man. You will be in good hands. I may also contribute, maybe others will too. One of the things that comes to mind when looking at your current site, is changing from one page to a couple more. That could serve to tidy up the site a bit.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2699991 Photo

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I did wonder if you had been effected by those wildfires (unfortunately the coverage of such things here in Indonesia is sparse) I am relieved that at least you haven't lost your home, etc, and I am sad about those in the areas that are burning have lost everything, I know from my own experience as a result of an earthquake and volcano eruption a while ago.what it's like to lose your home and belongings (fortunately for us we survived as a family intact) I also understand the after-effects and continued stress/trauma, we were fortunate enough to have a second home further away which was uneffected, we all had to go there for a little while (only a small house I used as an office) but at least we were still together. I have thought about how I may be able to help, further, and agree with Inger about converting the website into multi pages rather than a single page site. Single page websites are OK don't get me wrong, and in some cases better than multi page ones, however looking at your website and your comment about easy navigation (which is one of the most important factors nowadays for user experience) It would be better to go for the multi page option, and indeed maybe an additional page or two, AND a slight alteration to the order of the page navigation links into a more user friendly and logical order.

Anyway here is my plan/thoughts and offer to try help as best I can
I will reproduce your website using CoffeeCups site Designer app. I will use your images/words etc, I will put the website up on one of my temporary testing domains, and send you a link so that you can look and request alterations to words positioning etc PLEASE NOTE THIS WEBSITE WILL NOT BE VISIBLE TO ANYONE NOT HAVING THE LINK NOT EVEN SEARCH ENGINES SO NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT @ WEBSITE COMPETING WITH YOUR ORIGINAL.
Once you think it is ok and meets with your approval, I will send you the project file as a HTML exported document, which you can then load to your hosting service domain.

You can then when you are in a position to be able to get Site Designer for yourself you an start to learn how to get it to do what you want it to do for you, and work on making your website your own you can get plenty of help from CoffeCup tutorials and from many users on this forum in order to master SITE DESIGNER. (websites need regular updating/maintenance anyway nowadays to keep up with the ever changing work of the internet and Search Engine best practices.
I can't say exactly how long it will take me to reproduce your site, but it should be no more that a week or so maybe even a bit less. It will INCLUDE a working FORM (or even 2 or three) for your visitors to complete (which will need some details about content input fields etc from you before publishing) I shall be sharing the process with Inger and some others whom I often rely upon to solve any issues I can't remedy, and some may even have recommendations etc for you to consider.

That's about the best way I can help you at the moment given the situation.

I also feel that should you wish to go down this road, that we keep this post updated for others who may be following, but I will require you to contact me by email in order for me to proceed.

Good luck and I hope everything returns as near to normal as possible as soon as possible (we are still recovering from our experience so I understand the time it can take both practically and emotionally.
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User 3198934 Photo

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Thank you Bali, Inger and Wayan for your responses. It warms my heart.
First, let me inform all that I am ok and thank you for your concerns. I am on the border of Pasadena and Eagle Rock. I have never seen anything like this disaster. I also recognize that many others in other parts of the world have their own versions of disasters. Here in Southern California, I must admit, we have been spoiled with minor issues even though we have had earthquakes. The thing about our earth quakes is that we never know when it is going to happen and once it does they are usually minor in size. Yes, we are a major city, being in Los Angeles County, but built on an actual desert. Therefore it is normal for us to have basically dry weather. Back in 2017 I believe, we lost our mountain side completely. Having said that, even though it was a lot of fire, it was nothing compared to what we have had he last couple weeks. What happened this week that is different is that the fires in the fires started on the beach coast, 30 miles away from where I live), and the big deal was our winds. We had winds bigger than I remember in a long time. So, the fires which started in an area with a lot of dry brush, combined with the high winds was horrific. The other issue for me was that I am divorced. My 2 teenage daughters live with the other parent. They happened to have lived on the border of the Pacific Palisades and Santa Monica on the Santa Monica side.. They were evacuated the first day and fortunately, went to a hotel and are safe. We still, at this time, do not know if their home made it or not. But I can say that the area looks like it was bombed. Total losses for so many.
I on the other hand live 30 miles inland at the base of the San Gabriel mountains, which Altadena, Pasadena, Arcadia and many other cities butt up against the mountains. So, the winds kicked up a ton of burning embers, sending them as far as Altadena and Pasadena. By the way, for those who do not know, the Rose Bowl football games, Rose Parade and other high level events are in Pasadena. The embers started fires all throughout Altadena, along with the winds, took those fires into the neighborhoods and business areas down from the mountains. Because firefighters were so spread out, and the fact that the fires were spread so fast by the winds, well, it was a recipe for disaster and 10's of thousands lost their homes and businesses. I grew up in these areas and I couldn't recognize some of the areas. No words can express the emotions that I and many others feel.
Now, I was so fortunate compared to many of my friends and close neighbors. Yes, I was evacuated and lost power for over a day, but at this time, back to relatively normal. Still under watch and waiting for the wind season to die down, but for now, my neighborhood is blessed and safe.
Sorry for so long a description, but though to stop talking about it once I start... kind of a unloading of stress and concern.
This all leads me to why I am trying to get my site working now more than ever. The fires have impeded on my ability to do my job to its fullest, which means I need to find ways to earn money. Almost half of my delivery route is now gone. No worries, as I am a positive person. I have had a bit of positiveness as I was able to volunteer in a small way to those in far more need than I. It was very small help but at least it kept my mind busy while I was thinking about my own daughters since I believe they forgot their phones during the evacuation so I have not talked to them since this all happened. I know they are safe through the hotel they are in texted me so.

Anyway, I totally agree with you Bali, I worked this site with help of my friend setting up a one page site only due to the fact that my friend found and purchased the basic bones and he expanded it for me from there. I never thought having one page for all I am doing was the best idea for my needs or more importantly, my users needs. As you can see, it never worked fully.

I want to thank you for helping me. I did not realize it would happen that fast. Also, I did not notice anything about cost. I am in a different situation now than I was when I first posted, but if necessary, can possibly work something out. Just let me know before you go to all the work. I would hate to waste your time if I was not able to compensate you appropriately.
Let me know where we stand. I am now home more than before. The American Red Cross and Fema have stepped in to helping everyone out more than we expected and actually do not need volunteers now. As a matter of fact, due to the idiots who are there looting and stealing from those caught in this disaster, they do not want outside volunteers so they can know who does not belong in the area and are furiously going after all those criminals taking advantage. A good thing.

Again, I think all of you who were asking and concerned. It kind of feels good to get some of this off my chest. I apologize for taking time and space to unload here... I realize it is not the appropriate place.
Be Blessed everyone and be safe wherever you find yourselves.
User 2699991 Photo

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Hi there
glad to hear that you are ok and safe and well,
I for one will forgo any of my costs involved for doing you a website until you are back on your feet (and even then a special deal can be arranged, as a fellow CC user, with a big discount on my normal fee's
should you wish to take the offer,
I have already prepared an example, (first page only) I have actually made the site a 12 page one, with the home page reduced to some important sections (especially important for mobile device users, so that they are not scrolling forever and a day to see the most important CTA etc.
Your pages nowadays need a footer with certain information as best practices, this also gives your visitors an actual indication that they have reached the end of that page.
I have re-ordered the top menu thingy to put the different pages into some sort of more logical order to make it easier for them to find their way about.

I can send you the link to view the sample first page, when you contact m.
I have used your images/text and colour scheme, (the words sometimes have been tweaked a little to give a little more unphhhhh for SEO purposes.

Please also note that if you accept my offer then words/images etc, can be changed however you want.

The completed website can include up to 8 responsive forms (each form can be individualised for a specific request (very user friendly as it gives anyone interested a personalised form and notification and you would also get one for that request,
The forms will have either a re-captcha or a honeypot type of recaptcha, so you would not be getting any spammy stuff (well at least not robotic spammy stuff)

I will be asking a few other CC users to help out wherever I need it (some are more specialized experts than I am)

I will take a couple of weeks or 3 to get the whole site ready for export and publication to the internet. Usually my services include the 1st 12 months support for updating etc. If you are still wanting to learn How to Do it, then I can do you some step by step video tutorials to show you the way and how to etc etc, but first off see if we can get you up and running and get in some inquiries (who knows when, where and how, but if it's not there then nothing can happen, if anyone has the option and the location, then there is a possibility.

Take care stay safe and well

Wayan (Its a kind of Bali magic)

PPS nobody can see the testing Demo site unless they have the link (not even search engines)
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User 19165 Photo

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Hey, I am back. Wow Wayan, thank so much for your generosity and kindness. Never expected that.
A quick update, doing better around here. We finally got some rain, which ironically brought its own problems as we are at the foot of the mountains so mud slides and the such were a concern. So far, the first rain was not that heavy and has not caused too much issues. We still look forward to more rains... we are having uncharacteristic cold weather for this time of year... even breaking records... Who says there isn't global warming???

Anyway, back to the business at hand. Yes, Wayan, I would love to take a look at what you have done. I am so excited to finally get this site working as it should have but unfortunately never did.
I want to say right up front that it may take a while to get myself on track. Where I am doing fine and safe, my daughters who live with their Mother near Palisades are now going to be needing me to help out.
But I do need the site working as I can not get myself working without it. Please let me know what it will take to get started and how we can work together to finish the project and have you fairly compensated for your work. Let me know up front so I can give you an honest answer as to how I can accomplish this.

As far as what I am looking for with the site is mainly what you have seen on the old one. I need to let those who want my services to see in full and in a way that is exciting and enticing them to ask for more. What I do not want is to have my site look like everyone else who does what I do. This is why I have stayed away from a purchased clone type site.
Since I do not know the world of building websites, I would also accept any suggestions to make it shine. Again, what ever I need to get the job done is what I am looking for.
Lastly, I still have a strong need to say that I truly appreciate the kindness you have shown so far. The fact you are a stranger and from what I read above, you are so far away, amazes me of your concern. I want to truly say I keep you and all others who have stepped up in the world to help us in this situation out. I got lucky, but many here did not. I have friends from both fires who lost everything, something I can not even imagine. So, whether we can work out our deal, I want to thank you so much for your kindness and offer.
Here is to you and your good nature.
Be Blessed.

Ash (MrMusic)

PS: to make things easier, if you think it is better, here is my Personal Email Address: Ashley@JumpCity.Rocks
User 2699991 Photo

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MrMusic wrote:
Hey, I am back. Wow Wayan, thank so much for your generosity and kindness. Never expected that.
A quick update, doing better around here. We finally got some rain, which ironically brought its own problems as we are at the foot of the mountains so mud slides and the such were a concern. So far, the first rain was not that heavy and has not caused too much issues. We still look forward to more rains... we are having uncharacteristic cold weather for this time of year... even breaking records... Who says there isn't global warming???

Anyway, back to the business at hand. Yes, Wayan, I would love to take a look at what you have done. I am so excited to finally get this site working as it should have but unfortunately never did.
I want to say right up front that it may take a while to get myself on track. Where I am doing fine and safe, my daughters who live with their Mother near Palisades are now going to be needing me to help out.
But I do need the site working as I can not get myself working without it. Please let me know what it will take to get started and how we can work together to finish the project and have you fairly compensated for your work. Let me know up front so I can give you an honest answer as to how I can accomplish this.

As far as what I am looking for with the site is mainly what you have seen on the old one. I need to let those who want my services to see in full and in a way that is exciting and enticing them to ask for more. What I do not want is to have my site look like everyone else who does what I do. This is why I have stayed away from a purchased clone type site.
Since I do not know the world of building websites, I would also accept any suggestions to make it shine. Again, what ever I need to get the job done is what I am looking for.
Lastly, I still have a strong need to say that I truly appreciate the kindness you have shown so far. The fact you are a stranger and from what I read above, you are so far away, amazes me of your concern. I want to truly say I keep you and all others who have stepped up in the world to help us in this situation out. I got lucky, but many here did not. I have friends from both fires who lost everything, something I can not even imagine. So, whether we can work out our deal, I want to thank you so much for your kindness and offer.
Here is to you and your good nature.
Be Blessed.

Ash (MrMusic)

PS: to make things easier, if you think it is better, here is my Personal Email Address: Ashley@JumpCity.Rocks

In my signature below there is a link to a form to contact me please do so and we can start
I will put up the link to the test site once you have seen it first and you agree.

Welcome back and great to hear you and your family are ok
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