As some may know I am in the process of converting our RSD1.5 site to RFF 2.5 all is going well ( so far) but I came across this component "Layouts" and am wondering if anyone else has used it? It uses "Flexomagic" with 3 items as "Cards" in it. I have been working with it and it seems simple enough for me so I don't think I can make to many mistakes ( only a few).
In the Header 3 they use a font called KHAND and a fallback font "CURSIVE" if I use that is this a font that will show up on ALL computers or is there something I have to add also?? They also use Col as FLEXOMAGIC and Container as CARD and you work with a FLEX BASIS, I did change the basis and can get 3 products the way I want. Now is this something most here use or just staying with Col Row and flex and NOT this FLEXOMAGIC. Seems that changing the Flex Basis is like changing the width. Any thoughts??
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