To edit the individual elements first apply your settings to your element(s) that has a unique class name,the class togon, and a id. Then duplicate the element, delete the togon class, and make your changes to the duplicated element. This gives you a visual on your changes. After you are finished, just delete the duplicated element. Now you have two settings stored in your original element. Preview and you will see the element settings when there is no mouse over object because togon has not been removed. When mouse enters object, togon is removed and you see your new settings. Since this is happening to any element tied to the attribute "data-tog" anything with that attribute and the element we target by id (element1id) is updated with the toggled css settings. If you need to make a quick change you can always just deselect the class togme on any of the elements that are targeted.
All elements you are targeting must have a id.