Question with RFF and adding Drop...

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Hello all,
Well I must be really dense in the brain as I have been trying to add as component a responsive menu that I made from one of the great samples shared. I like Inger's honey one and also the one that Wayan made and I was able to do both and save both as a component no problem. I did the one Wayan had yesterday and made it on a blank new page that started with 640 px ok no problem, was able to get all working . Now when I than try to add it from components in the actual page that has more break points the menu that I made and than add is not right!! I am thinking it has to do with the styles and now that it is on the page has to actually be redone to accommodate it?????
That is why I am keeping the Menu Builder one BUT want to update when I update site from RSD 1.5 to RFF 2.5
Any thoughts??
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
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Right now I'm busy installing my programmes again after a machine crash and all wiped clean. Otherwise I would have asked you to share that menu so that we could have taken a look at it. But someone else may have time...
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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Inger wrote:
Right now I'm busy installing my programmes again after a machine crash and all wiped clean. Otherwise I would have asked you to share that menu so that we could have taken a look at it. But someone else may have time...

Hello Inger,
Hopefully this time it will be fixed and all will be working again after you reinstall all the programs.
What I should of done was add the RFF in the last, so will attach it here and hopefully some one can let me know what I am doing wrong or if the menu is any good??

Also can anyone show me how to remove the down-arrows so I just keep the the sub navigation links
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
Since 1972 helping clients help "Discover Their Dream Vacation"
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Hello all,
Just wondering if I am on the right track in regard to the RFF menu I add above (it is only in test stage also)

OK as mentioned I had no problem starting with a new blank RFF page that has the has the 1st BP @ 640 px, was able to get what I wanted as far as nesting links.
Now my problem and question is:
I made a component ( no problem) and can add to actual page I want it on BUT the pages has more BP's so when I add it to the page it not right and is all jumbled. This has been my problem on a few different ones I made. NOW is this caused by styles to be all off now? Do I than have to change all classes on the menu OR should I make the menu from scratch on the actual web page for the site and than save that as a component and or symbol for later use?
I am slowly getting to learn about the List Container - List Item Container and the adding Nested links, I know once I get one down right the rest should be easy for me ( or not).
I know all of you are busy with your own work and as always any insight is appreciated.
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
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Hi Ray,

I too ran into this issue. If you go to the original breakpoints of the menu the styles should all work. I then would just adjust both left and right of the original breakpoints. (Hint: When creating a menu try to only use the original three breakpoints that foundation sets you up with.)

Another Hint: When designing a new template add the menu component before you start adding other breakpoints.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

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Steve wrote:
Hi Ray,

I too ran into this issue. If you go to the original breakpoints of the menu the styles should all work. I then would just adjust both left and right of the original breakpoints. (Hint: When creating a menu try to only use the original three breakpoints that foundation sets you up with.)

Another Hint: When designing a new template add the menu component before you start adding other breakpoints.

Hello Steve,
Thank you I appreciate you taking the time to give me your input.
That is what I was thinking it has to be a "Styling" problem, the menu does work good (for me) if I add to a blank page using the 3 break points in RFF. I will try what you mentioned and see how I can adjust left and right of the original breakpoints.
"Another Hint: When designing a new template add the menu component before you start adding other breakpoints."
I will try that also - thanks for the tip.
I know your busy - all the sites you make for your clients are are really GREAT, wish I had only 10% of your talent !
Did you actually open the zip I attached to see if the RFF menu actually was any good ( is in test only) ??
Thanks again for your input,
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
Since 1972 helping clients help "Discover Their Dream Vacation"
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Hello Steve - Update Well I spent the past 5 hours trying but no good even using ur tips was unable to get what I made to work with the bp's I have on my site. What I probably do is stay away from it for a day or so than start new and see what I can do. In the mean time I will keep my menu made with Menu Builder on the RSD 1.5 site and put off updating the site to RFF 2.5 until I know how to make the menu using Foundation format. Once again thanks for taking the time for your help.
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
Since 1972 helping clients help "Discover Their Dream Vacation"
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I don't quite understand the problem you have, or there seems to be several problems.

I have never tried adding a menu builder menu to any of the RSD, RFF or RBB files. I don't know if there will be problems because MB is building from desktop down and the other ones from mobile up. But my thinking is though, that if you let them have each their own css file, and any other files, it should work. You also have to make sure that there is no clashing ID or class names.

I could take a look at this for you, but then I would need both the RFF and the MB project files.

The menu you have built in RFF, do you have breakpoint problems with it, after it has been added to the rest of the site? Or is it only the wee triangles you want to get rid of? If the latter, try this style in the header under Settings:
.is-drilldown-submenu-parent > a::after,
.is-dropdown-submenu > a::after {
border-color: transparent;
.js-drilldown-back > a::before {
border-color: transparent;
} > > a::after {
border-color: transparent;

It will remove all the triangles. If you want to keep the ones when the menu appears horizontally, you need to ask Wayan. I got this from him a while ago.

Anyway, I think I would have used the menu created within RFF, itg will be less trouble with it than a MB menu.

Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2765857 Photo

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Hi Inger, Maybe I have not explained it right our site in 1st sig I will be updating from RSD 1.5 it does have the MB menu and am pleased with it.

I have started a new project in RFF so I can update the site in sig 1 from RSD 1.5 to RFF 2.5 and have already made 23 pages. I than felt it best to now update the menu for it but use a RFF menu . I spent many hours and was able to make a nested menu following one that Wayan showed. My sample worked good on a blank page starting with the 640 bp BUT when adding to page made now using RFF it has the BP problem.

On another note: The MB does work in the RFF I have it working on site in sig 2. It was easy for me to install just wanted get away from using it on sig 1 site since I was updating it.

As I told Steve will stay away from it for a day or so and than restart from scratch.

I also tried adding your honey menu and had same problem with Breakpoints.

Hope you got the snow removal taken care of
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
Since 1972 helping clients help "Discover Their Dream Vacation"

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