Potential bug: When renaming pages, if for any reason the process stops before saving, the data in the fields are lost and you have to type in the title and name again. Would be nice to retain the data if saving does not complete.
I have been in the habit of saving, saving, saving many, many, many times during any editing. I had those issues until I started saving after each little change.
Please put the "Delete" option in the menu somewhere so one has to deliberately look for it, rather than having it as a toolbar button. Positioned right between "Save" and "Show Page," both of which are used multiple times throughout the course of working on one's file, it's a little too easy to press "Delete" by accident.
Genius idea if I say so myself...
For the property menus, have one menu with drop down tabs for each individual section. Think of the filter gallery in photoshop. Completely collapsible but right at your fingertips when you need it.
For the property menus, have one menu with drop down tabs for each individual section. Think of the filter gallery in photoshop. Completely collapsible but right at your fingertips when you need it.
The present option for text to justify left, justify right, justify centre
Could we please have another option to evenly space text ???
Often in forums its mentioned how centred CAN look amateurish, and in html editor you have the option to add extra spaces but in VSD for a NON CODER thats not possible
Posted in my other thread, where Eric kindly pointed me to a code based cure.
You know Eric how we all sometimes tear our hair out when we can't get someone new in forums to understand what we see as obvious
This is precisely my point, why oh why when i create a dragged out text box which i type text directly into can it not at present have the option to left justify, right justify, centre & space text evenly
As being a non coder surely the left justify is a bit of automatically installed code, why cant space text evenly be automatically installed code.
But i think i get what your saying so i will give it a try, Thanks Eric your determined to get me to code.
Could we please have another option to evenly space text ???
Often in forums its mentioned how centred CAN look amateurish, and in html editor you have the option to add extra spaces but in VSD for a NON CODER thats not possible
Posted in my other thread, where Eric kindly pointed me to a code based cure.
You know Eric how we all sometimes tear our hair out when we can't get someone new in forums to understand what we see as obvious

This is precisely my point, why oh why when i create a dragged out text box which i type text directly into can it not at present have the option to left justify, right justify, centre & space text evenly
As being a non coder surely the left justify is a bit of automatically installed code, why cant space text evenly be automatically installed code.
But i think i get what your saying so i will give it a try, Thanks Eric your determined to get me to code.
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
I am using VSD and insert WFB forms easily, now if a page is needed to display results from a form I have been trying to use VSD for this. I can open a html box to insert some input/text area boxes but to add the php logic I would dearly love to add to the beginning of the file. A space to add the php script. with also the option like I already asked for the extension change option. It will make VCD handle any output from WFB where a display or decision process is required .
I am currently importing the created html code from a preview into the base of a php project in Php Designer a IDE. I would love less hassle and the whole project could be completed just using VSD
I am currently importing the created html code from a preview into the base of a php project in Php Designer a IDE. I would love less hassle and the whole project could be completed just using VSD
The Guy from OZ
can i suggest you make visual site designer automatically make the z-index:9999 instead of any other value as it can pain a real pain to manually reopen each page created in vsd and edit the code in the coffeecup html editor.
Reason i say this will be helpful is because i spend hours trying to make the css menu appear on top of text not behind it.
Reason i say this will be helpful is because i spend hours trying to make the css menu appear on top of text not behind it.
is this product still being developed?
Amazonian wrote:
is this product still being developed?
is this product still being developed?
It sure is!

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
So when will we see an update to VSD? Will the update have Master Pages and some of the other great suggestions that have been put up over the past year? (I'll pay for a Pro version but please give us some of these productivity tools.) Is there a poll setup anywhere for uses to vote on best features to add?
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