I have recently started a blog using WordPress.org (provided by my host provider). However, as I'm sure others have found, I can't seem to find a theme that really feels right to me, if you know what I mean. So I was thinking of trying to create my own. However, I'm not quite sure how to go about doing that.
I'm pretty sure I read that I can design a website with VSD and use Flash Blogger to post blog entries. Do I still need any of my WordPress database? Would it be better to create it with VSD as an overlay, so to speak, for WordPress?
I'm more than likely going to be creating other non-blog websites as well, which is one of the reasons I'm interested in VSD. I used to code HTML back in the olden days, but it seems that with css, php and whatnot, what little I remember is pretty much useless.

Since I've only recently started it, I don't mind redoing it from scratch and just copy and pasting the blog entries I've done already. I'm just wondering what is the best way to go about doing it. I've been using CoffeeCup HTML and CoffeeCup FTP (free versions) so far to edit some of the WP themes, and using MS LiveWriter (which I'm not terribly fond of) for writing.
Any advice for a cluebie would be appreciated!