site not loading on IE6 or 8 - Post...

User 2148764 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I've just created a site using the trial coffee cup version (WYSIWYG) and it isn't showing correctly in IE6 or 8. Have I done something wrong or is it the software as I'm really keen to purchase as easy to use...

No problem loading in Mozilla
User 192897 Photo

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325 posts

nat wrote:
Have I done something wrong or is it the software as I'm really keen to purchase as easy to use...

No problem loading in Mozilla

Hi Nat, your right what a difference between IE8 on Mozilla. Not sure on what is wrong but I can almost guarantee you that you did something wrong (we all do). The sofware works on all browsers (some minor differences) including IE6 & 8. I run both along with Mozilla etc for testing and have found very few issues. Sorry i cant be more specific as to what you should check to find the problem, but i am sure someone else will be able to help you.

There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. MARK TWAIN
User 122279 Photo

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14,581 posts

Nat, if you want to have complete control over your site, I would recommend getting the HTML Editor and take the trouble of learning how to code in html and css.

I can't explain why your site gets all messed up in IE browsers, but my hunch is that it has something to do with all the bits and pieces having been put in its own little table. I normally don't use VSD, but when I do, I have never seen anything like your result.
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Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

That's how The Philosopher's wife's blog looks. I wonder if he used VSD to skin it.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Hi Nat,
Some of your images have been duplicated. This happens when you move stuff around on the page or copy/paste items with effects on them to other pages and then save your work. For some annoying reason VSD saves all these versions by creating extra image files. For instance, you have 2 versions of the timetable chart. One is timetable.jpg (original file) and the other is IMG_19.jpg (which also has the background and some photos in it).
Another thing that can cause glitches is re-sizing photos within the program - best to use an image editor to size them then save for web.
What I do is after I'm done moving stuff around and everything's where I want it, is to go to my website's file folder (the one that VSD creates) and delete all of the "generic" IMG_'number'.jpg files. I only want the original files (named by me). If I have elements that need to be displayed in different sizes (logo, photo...),
I make different versions in Photoshop so I can insert that file rather than copying and re-sizing in VSD.

So try clearing out all the "junk files" and see if that does anything. Let us know if that doesn't help, so maybe someone else can figure out what's going on :)
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User 539803 Photo

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Paintbrush is right sizing images on the page causes problems when uploaded that are not seen in preview

what i do now is design my pages dragging and sizing pictures on the page till its how i want it

Then i select each image check the size, and with photo shop i resize and rename a copy of the image ready to re insert correct size (well named images help when looking later on so worthwhile)

Next i convert each image on the page to a solid grey box

then i duplicate the whole page using the vsd duplicate page option

next i put the renamed pictures on the new page

next i rename original page with a X prefix or similar so i can rename the new page correctly

when you have renamed the replacement page and are happy with it you can delete the original completely

Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

User 2148764 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

thanks all...sounds like I'll be doing some renaming resizing and bits and pieces. In the long run I aim to learn HTML just a bit daunted at the moment.

Will schedule some time and in the interim put the old site back up for now.


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